廖年淼劉玲慧傅國樑Nyan-Myau LyauLing-Hui LiuGwo-Liang Fu2014-10-272014-10-272012-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30545本研究旨在建立高職學校實習行政領導之績效指標,採用文獻分析法與專家座談法,以平衡計分卡的理論為基礎,發展高職學校實習輔導處之實習行政領導具體的績效指標與指標內涵。本研究結果,共發展出十項策略目標,二十六項指標,同時提出高職學校實習行政領導策略地圖,以供高職學校校長或實習主任對於各職科之實習教學成效與相關行政配合活動有較公允的評鑑基準,同時也能讓各職科內部可進行自我診斷的參考依據,期能提升高職學生實習(實務)學習的成效。This research aimed to establish a set of performance indicators for practicum administrative leadership of vocational high schools. Performance indicators for practicum instruction in different courses of vocational high schools are developed based on literature review and the conceptual framework of balanced scorecard. Concrete contents for performance indicators in each perspective of the balanced scorecard are in accordance with the teaching activities of practicum in respective courses. This research developed ten targeted goals and 26 indicators, and presented a strategic map of practicum in vocational schools as the objective criterion for presidents of vocational schools and directors of practicum programs that wish to evaluate practicum performances of different courses. The findings can serve as references for internal assessment of each vocational course that expects to improve learning results of students in practicum.高職學校實習行政領導平衡計分卡績效指標Vocational High SchoolsPracticum Administrative LeadershipBalanced ScorecardPerformance Indicators建構高職學校實習行政領導績效指標之研究Developing Performance Indicators for Practicum Administrative Leadership of Vocational High Schools