黃文慧林幸台Wen-Hui Huang, Hsin-Tai Lin2016-05-042016-05-042011-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78016本文以論述分析檢視民國55 年至92 年臺灣特殊教育導論教科書對障礙者生涯之建構,探討特殊教育入門知識選取、認可的論述型態與視框。結果發現,隨著戒嚴解除,社會團體進入特殊教育論述場域、生涯議題納入官方政策,以及教科書出版的間隔時間,生涯論述可以民國80 年為界,分為二類:一、民國55 年至80 年醫學與經濟論述搭架的生涯,其主要特色包括:就業導向的生涯論述、分/合的經濟生產位置、個體特質支配生涯決定、升學論述沉默與障別、性別、職種缺席的策略。二、民國80 年至92 年醫學、經濟與社會契約論述搭架的生涯,其主要特色包括:職業/升學選擇並置的生涯、分/合之外的生產位置、生涯決定取決於個體生涯技能與能力的準備、點綴式與篇幅增加的策略。文末則從檢視教科書發話位置、障礙者主體位置、提供多元生涯發展例證與生涯論述觀點等提出建議。Purpose: Under the policy of equity and adapted education, increasingly more students with disabilities graduating from high school are facing career decision-making. This study did not only identify the career discourse development of individuals with disabilities, but also enquires how to construct career discourse in introductory special education textbooks in Taiwan to challenge our thinking about realistic aspects of careers in the field of special education. Methods: This study adopted a qualitative approach and employed Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. Two sets of data were used in the study. Primary data were the 16 introductory special education textbooks published in Taiwan from 1966 to 2003. Other documents compared or supplied textbook argument as follows: (I) policy documents, official publications, and academic papers related to careers for individuals with disabilities; (2) documents and publications from special interest groups related to people with disabilities. After collecting data, the researcher undertook data analysis by a constant comparison method, and connected themes to derived results. Findings: During the 1990's when martial law ended in Taiwan, career discourse shifted because of more interest groups participating in the discursive special education field, and career issues became an agenda in special education policy. Two categories of career discourse emerged for discursive shift. The first career discourse from 1966 to 1990 was based on medical and economic discursive construction: (1) employment-based discourse lacked post-secondary education discourse, (2) either separate or competitive placement of economic production, (3) career decision was made by object's trait-factors, and (4) discursive strategies were used in the absence of disabilities, gender, and occupation classifications. The second career discourse from 1991 to 2003 was based on medical, economic, and social contracts: (1) career discourse-blended employment and post-s特殊教育導論教科書論述分析discourse analysisintroductory special educationtextbook生涯概念在特殊教育場域之論述Career Discourse in Special Education in Taiwan: Introductory Special Education Textbooks Published from 1966 to 2003