胡綺珍周昆璋Chou, Kun-Chang2019-08-282019-01-282019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060237007F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85098澳洲打工度假至今已有相當多的台灣年輕人藉由此簽證前往澳洲,已是現代台灣年輕世代常見的生活經驗。在全球化的情境之下,本研究認為並非僅是制度開放此一簡單的過程促成了個人的跨國實踐,而是個人於自身生命中挪用並實踐出全球化。因此,本研究從現代性的角度出發,深入澳洲打工度假者的個人背景與經驗,探討澳洲打工度假實踐這樣的跨國行動是如何被述說與實踐在個人的生命敘事中。本研究認為澳洲打工度假的蓬勃發展與科技的發展息息相關,行動網路科技的普及降低澳洲打工度假的實踐門檻,並且日常科技使用的變化也影響了台灣年輕人建立澳洲打工度假想像的媒介途徑,個人藉由人際網絡中的澳洲打工度假實踐經驗建立想像。本研究認為澳洲打工度假這樣的跨國實踐的背後有著傳統逐漸失效的現代性特徵,個人不再被傳統規定生涯目標,生命成為持續與個人歷史對話做出選擇,不斷變動的液態性過程。而澳洲打工度假實踐的重點在於流動,為自身的生命帶來變動的機會。藉由澳洲打工度假,個人得到異於台灣國內的在澳洲涉及了經濟、文化、社會及網絡等資本的累積機會,這些積累受旅途中個人身處環境影響,充足的資本積累為個人的旅程來更自由的選擇空間,甚至更進一步的將資本沿用,改變打工度假後的生命。There was a bunch of Taiwan young people traveling to Australia through the working holiday visa. It has become common life experience to Taiwan young generations. Globalization not only the policies result, but also outcome by local persons practice. That is why this thesis start from modernity and deep digging working holiday makers (WHMs) who had been traveled in Australia, personal context and practice experience, explaining how the such globalization practice been talk and practice in personal life narrative. Development of Australia Working makers was empower by technologies progress, widespread of mobile network technology also make working holiday practice easier. Also, daily use of Technologies also changed the way which construct Australia working holiday imagine. Not like earlier WHMs, young WHMs usually construct that by the experience which was provided by social network. Australia working holiday as a globalization practice also have a modernity context that tradition not such powerful anymore, makes people’s life become an endless selecting process which always reflecting backward with personal history, a liquid life. The emphasis of working holiday in Australia is it make a chance to change personal life. People acquire fields to accumulate culture, economical and social capital which is different with Taiwan, each field provide different capitals to accumulate. Abundant capital not only makes journey agency, but also can change the life after working holiday in Australia.澳洲打工度假液態的現代性反思性全球化想像Australiaworking holidayliquid modernityreflexivityglobalizationimagination澳洲打工度假:液態的生命反思與跨國實踐Working Holiday as a Transnational Practice of Liquid Reflexive Life in Australia