戴建耘饒達欽邱清文陳世旺2014-10-272014-10-271995-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17241本研究提出一種以派翠西網路(petri-net)作為分析多媒體延遲與細分部份不易模擬的改善處理方式。此種方式,可輔助作為快速計算出多媒體派翠西網路的可達樹及可達矩陣。有鑑於同一多媒體派翠西網路不同的初始值會造成不同的可達樹及可達矩陣,研究中提出一種和初始值無關的運算方法。文中並在可達矩陣處運用判斷網路品質的複雜度計算公式,供系統架構者做為評估網路的品質。而本研究提供之處理模型亦可作為多媒體系統與工具軟體在使用派翠西網路作分析時,結合個體導向觀念做設計的支援技術之一。This paper provides a method to improve the weakness of multimedia Petri nets inboth the delay of system process and multi-layer simulation. The paper also presentsan assistant method which quickly calculates the reachable tree and reachable matrix ofthe multimedia Petri nets. Although there are different reachable trees and reachablematrixs in the same multimedia Petri nets, the method, is independent of the initialvalue. A formula is used to evaluate the Petri nets complexity for various of initialstates. The proposed process model can assist in developing a system from analysisphase by Petri nets to 0.0. Programming.派翠西網路P-T表T-P表多媒體Petri netsP-T tableT-P tableMultimedia建構一種多媒體派翠西網路系統之延遲處理模型Construct a Process-model for Multimedia Petri-nets in Delaying and Multi-layer Simulation