張正芬Chang, Cheng-Fen陳美雲Chen, Mei-Yun2022-06-082021-02-242022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/78d8d7332b833272efc22fbc4c8eb6d3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118046本研究以大台北地區258位國中小在職特教教師為研究對象,探討其對自閉症學生應用實證本位教學之現況,並進一步探討特教教師的背景變項對實證本位教學熟悉程度及使用頻率的差異情形。本研究以自編之「實證本位教學(EBP)應用於自閉症學生之現況調查問卷」為研究工具,問卷所蒐集之資料以描述統計、皮爾森積差相關及單因子變異數分析等方式加以分析。研究結果如下: 一、國中小特教教師對於28種實證本位教學整體的熟悉程度,為「中高」程度。其中「增強」、「直接教學」、「提示策略」、「示範」、「工作分析」、「消弱」、「視覺支持」等策略,熟悉程度落在「高」程度,「音樂輔助介入」的熟悉程度落在「中低」程度,其餘皆落在「中高」程度。 二、國中小特教教師對於28種實證本位教學整體的使用頻率,為「中高」程度。其中「增強」、「直接教學」、「示範」、「提示策略」、「工作分析」、「視覺支持」等策略,使用頻率落在「高」程度,「擴大及替代性溝通系統」、「音樂輔助介入」的使用頻率落在「中低」程度,其餘皆落在「中高」程度。 三、國中小特教教師對實證本位教學方法熟悉程度與使用頻率呈現高度相關。 四、任教階段、是否參加過有關EBP的研討或相關培訓、是否研讀過與EBP有關的書籍或文獻對於熟悉程度及使用頻率有顯著差異。另外特教教學年資對於熟悉程度亦有顯著差異。 五、影響特教教師較常使用某些實證方法的原因為: 符合自閉症學生的需求、曾有過成功的經驗、清楚了解這些實證教學方法該如何運用、清楚了解這些實證教學方法的內涵、教學環境提供足夠支持及其他。不常使用某些實證方法的原因:受教學環境限制、不了解這些實證教學方法該如何運用、不了解這些實證教學方法的內涵、不符合自閉症學生的需求、很少有成功的經驗及其他。The purpose of this study was to understand the current status of the utilization of evidence-based practices (EBPs) by special education teachers in elementary and junior high schools in the Taipei metropolitan area to students with autism as well as to further investigate the relationships between teacher background variables and familiarity with and frequency of utilization of EBPs. Data was obtained from 258 in-service special education teachers using a questionnaire designed by the author,” The Current Status of the Utilization of Evidence-based Practices to Students with Autism”. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, the Pearson product-moment correlation and one-way ANOVA. The conclusions of this study are the following: 1. The level of elementary and junior high school special education teachers’ familiarity with the 28 types of EBPs as a whole was at above average. Among these,” Reinforcement”,” Direct Instruction”,” Prompting”,” Modeling”,” Task analysis”,” Extinction”, and” Visual supports” were at a high level of familiarity with the rest at above average apart from ” Music-Mediated Intervention” which was at below average. 2. The level of elementary and junior high school special education teachers’ frequency of utilization of 28 types of EBPs as a whole was at above average. The frequency of utilization of ” Reinforcement”,” Direct Instruction”,” Prompting”,” Modeling”,” Task analysis” and” Visual supports” were at a high level with the rest at above average apart from “Music-Mediated Intervention” which was at below average. 3. The degree of familiarity with EBPs among elementary and junior high school special education teachers was significantly correlated with the frequency of EBPs utilization. 4. The level of familiarity with EBPs and frequency of EBPs utilization were associated with teachers’ EBPs seminar participation, relevant training, and knowledge of EBPs. In addition, seniority of special education teachers was significantly related to familiarity with EBPs. 5. Reasons for special education teachers' frequent EBPs utilization included: experiences with EBPs meeting the needs of students with autism, prior successful experiences, clear knowledge of EBPs utilization and related skills, sufficient teaching support, and others. Reasons for infrequent EBPs utilization included: limitations of the teaching environment, lack of understanding of EBPs utilization and related skills, EBPs do not meet student needs, limited successful experiences, and others.特教教師自閉症實證本位教學special education teachersAutism Spectrum Disorderevidence-based practice特教教師對自閉症學生應用實證本位教學現況之調查研究-以大台北地區為例A Survey of Special Education Teachers on the Application of Evidence-Based Practices to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Taipei Metro Area學術論文