周愚文Chou, Yu-Wen李岱穎Li, Dai-Ying2023-12-082023-08-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0b9c54881f427475102a15901b30a91d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119499教育是立國的根本,良師是教育成敗的關鍵,故尋求良師一直是社會大眾的共同期望。我國小學教師在戒嚴時期肩負著精神國防、良師興國的時代任務,解嚴後傳統教師圖像產生了變化。本研究旨在探討師資培育制度在民國83年〈師資培育法〉開放師資培育多元化的政策下,以美國教育史學者克雷明的教育生態學作為視角,分析官方、民間團體、教師團體等身分立場對小學教師圖像的描繪,以及九所負責培育小學的師資傳統師範校院因應師資培育政策變革而調整教師圖像。本研究發現,民國83年至今近三十年,官方對教師圖像的描繪雖逐漸變得豐富立體,但始終對將教師定位為教育專業人員。最初教師會的教師圖像和官方的圖像大致無異,而培育小學老師的師範校院依循著官方的師資培育政策來調整目標、策略與課程,以培育符合時代需求的教師。教師工會對教師的定位既是專業人員又是勞工,因此重塑教師圖像。從教育生態學的視角來看,各個教育利益團體間的關係是複雜而多變的。時而各自為營,時而同一陣線。官方在其中企圖調和各團體的教師圖像分歧,官方政策及其呈現的教師圖像延續傳統主張又受到教師教育學者及教育專業團體影響,但也採納了各團體的部分意見。社會變遷持續帶來新的師資培育挑戰,牽動小學教師理想圖像的持續變化。Education is the foundation of the nation, and excellent teachers are the keys to success in education. Therefore, to seek for excellent teachers always was the common expectation of the community. During the Martial Law period, teachers bore the mission of ‘national spiritualdefense’ and‘excellent teachers established a nation’. After 1987, the traditional image of ‘excellent teacher’ has changed. The aim of this study was to explore the ideal teacher image portrayed by government, teacher unions, and different civil education organizations under the diversified teacher education policies in Taiwan since 1994. Additionally, it inquired the adjustments made by traditional Teacher Colleges in response to the changes of teacher education policies. This study used Lawrence A. Cremin's educational ecology as the research perspective. It was found that over the past three decades, the government position of teachers has consistently been treated as professional, however the portrayal of government’s teacher image has gradually become more diverse. The teacher images presented by teacher associations were generally consistent with the government’s image in the beginning. Teacher Colleges adjusted their goals, strategies, and curriculum in accordance with the government’s teacher education policies to cultivate teachers that met the demands of the times. The teacher unions treated teachers both as professionals and labors, thus reshaped the teacher image. From the perspective of educational ecology, the relationships among various educational groups were complex and ever-changing. Sometimes they worked independently, and sometimes they cooperated with each other. The government attempted to reconcile the divergent teacher images of various groups. The government’s policies and portrayal of teacher images have continued to adhere to traditional views, and the teacher image of official position actually has included some opinions from scholars and these groups. The ongoing social changes continue to bring new challenges to teacher education, thereby influencing the change of ideal teacher images of elementary schools.師資培育師範學院教育大學教育生態學教師圖像Teacher EducationTeachers CollegeUniversity of EducationEducational EcologyTeacher Image我國師資培育多元化後小學教師圖像變遷研究(1994-2022)A Study on the Changes of Teacher Images of Diversity of Teacher Education(1994-2022)etd