邱銘心李紫綺Lee,Tzu-Chi2020-12-142020-06-112020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007153104%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110166本研究目的旨在瞭解國小教師的健康素養和健康資訊行為,並著重於健康體位的健康素養為主要方向,探討不同教師個人背景、健康素養與健康資訊行為之間的關係。 本研究採用為問卷調查法,以臺中市之國小教師作為研究對象,使用教師個人背景資料、自覺健康狀況量表、中文多面向健康識能評估量表、健康資訊行為等四項問卷作為研究工具,資料蒐集方式以配額取樣實施,並以實體問卷為主、網路問卷為輔於 2019 年12 月至2020年1 月間進行問卷調查,總共回收 387 份有效問卷,再以敘述性統計、T 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe 事後比較、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法進行資料分析,獲得研究結果概述如下: 一、 國小教師健康素養之狀況達良好程度,以理解健康資訊為最高分,溝通與互動為最低分。 二、 國小教師個人背景變項與健康素養之相關:不同年齡、職務、教學年資、運動習慣及自覺健康狀態在健康素養達顯著差異。 三、 國小教師在飲食相關保健上有較高的資訊需求。 四、 國小教師多因個人興趣與好奇查詢健康資訊。 五、 國小教師多利用網路搜尋方式得知健康資訊。 六、 國小教師個人背景變項與健康資訊行為之相關:不同年齡、職務、教學年資、婚姻狀態、子女數、運動習慣及自覺健康狀態在健康資訊行為達顯著差異。 七、 國小教師之健康素養與健康資訊行為有中等程度正相關。 最後,依據實證研究發現與結果提出建議,以作為教育單位及未來學術研究之參考。The main purpose of this study was to understand health literacy and health information behavior of the elementary school teacher and to focus on health body weight information. Another aim was to examine the correlation of background variables, self-perceived health status, health literacy, health information behavior. The study subjects were recruited from the elementary school teacher in Taichung. The data was collected through structured questionnaire from Dec.2019 to Jan. 2020, including the basic background data, self-perceived health status, health information behavior, and Mandarin health literacy scale(MHLS). This research adopted quota sampling to conduct online and paper questionnaire survey, and 387 questionnaires were retrieved. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffé's method and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. The major results were as below: (a) The overall health literacy level of the elementary school teacher was good, while their understanding health information was highest and their communication and interaction was the lowest. (b) A questionnaire consisted of background variables and health literacy: there was significant difference in age, job, years of teaching, exercise habit and perceived health. (c) The subjects of health information needs is about healthy diet. (d) The reason of health information needs is personal interest and curiosity. (e) The main source of health information is internet. (f) A questionnaire consisted of background variables and health information behavior: there was significant difference in age, job, years of teaching, marital status, number of children, exercise habit and perceived health. (g) A questionnaire consisted of health literacy and health information behavior: Moderately positive correlation. Some suggestions were provided based on the findings and results of the empirical study in the last part of the paper for the reference of government education agencies and future academic reseachers.健康素養健康資訊行為health literacyhealth information behavior國小教師健康素養與健康資訊行為研究--以健康體位資訊為例A Study on Health Literacy and Health Information Behavior of the Elementary School Teacher—A Case Study of Health body weight Information