程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu凃仲遠Tu, Chung-Yuan2019-09-052011-7-222019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695300666%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105721本研究旨在探究瞭解個案學校辦理教師專業發展評鑑的實施情形,與個案學校體育教師的參與情形,進而探討評鑑計畫對體育教師的影響及所遭遇的問題,並藉由訪談結果了解教師對未來因應策略的看法。本研究採個案研究法進行研究,以台南市某高中為研究個案,以立意取樣的方式,選擇體育教師5位、評鑑推動小組成員5位,共10名教師為訪談對象,以「高中體育教師參與教師專業發展評鑑之個案研究訪談大綱」為主要研究工具,並透過半結構式訪談與文件分析等方式進行資料蒐集與整理。本研究主要結論如下: 一、 個案學校以申請高中優質化、均質化等補助款為主要目的,因此行政單位態度積極,在實際執行上卻缺乏完善的配套措施,教師多半被動參與並且消極應付。 二、 個案學校教師普遍贊同以形成性評量的評鑑目的,但對於目前個案學校所實施之評鑑層面、評鑑指標與評鑑方式…等,並未與行政單位達成共識。 三、 個案學校參與教師人數逐年增加,主要以兼任行政教師、代理教師以及重複參與的教師居多;體育教師參與評鑑比例甚高,雖然完成度低落,但多半肯定持續辦理評鑑計畫的正面效應。 四、 個案學校體育教師未能藉由評鑑的實施建立完善的評鑑機制,但增加了專業對話與教學分享的機會,初步建立個人教學檔案,並且重新省思體育評鑑的概念。 五、 個案學校體育教師對目前的教學檔案製作、評鑑指標以及評鑑次數和期程上有執行上的困難,並且缺乏他校體育科實施案例參考,質疑評鑑人員的專業性。 六、 個案學校缺乏全校共同時間辦理研習,導致教師對評鑑的認知不足,因而造成評鑑工作逐漸流於形式,在缺乏法源依據的情形下,難以拓展評鑑的新成員。   最後根據以上研究結論結合訪談結果,分別對教育主管機關、個案學校、體育教師及未來研究,分別提出未來願景與相關建議以供參考。This study aimed to explore the practice of high schools in Tainan participating teacher evaluation for professional development and the involvement of Physical Education teachers in these schools by interviews focusing on their attitudes for further analysis on the current influence and problems. This study used case study research, focusing on a high school in Tainan City. A purposive sampling method was adopted and five P.E. teachers, along with five members of the administrative staff who were responsible for promoting the evaluation project, were interviewed. The “High School Sports teachers to participate in evaluation for professional development interview outline” was employed as the main research tool. Through semi-structured interviews and document analysis, the data collection and collation was done. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The case high school participated in Evaluation for Professional Development with the primary purpose of further application for high-quality project, homogenization project, and other subsidies. Therefore, the administrative staff was zealous but lacked proper promoting practice and most of the participating teachers coped with this project passively. 2. The participating teachers complied with the formative evaluation, but reached little common consensus with administrative units on the respects, indicators, and methods of evaluation. 3. The participating teachers in case school, mainly teachers with administrative tasks, surrogate teachers, and teachers who had joined in the beginning, increased year by year. Among them, there were a high percentage of physical education teachers participating in this evaluation project, somehow, with low degree of completion of the evaluation. Most of them still held a positive attitude toward next application of evaluation for professional development project. 4. The P.E. teachers in this research failed to establish a sound evaluation implementation, but the project helped increase the chances of sharing teaching retrospectives and helped teachers establish initial teaching portfolio, and brought reflection on the practice of Physical Education. 5. The participating P.E. teachers in case school thought current portfolio compilation, evaluation indicators and the set schedule of evaluation process difficult to follow. Besides, lack of reference and similar cases of Physical Education subject from other schools resulted in doubts over the expertise of the evaluators. 6. The case school had difficulties to set a timetable for all teachers to participate in the training sessions of evaluation for professional development. Therefore, teachers’ perception of evaluation for professional development was not sufficient. It led to simplified and abridged evaluation procedure. Without firm legal basis, itt was also difficult to recruit new members willing to participate in the evaluation. Finally, based on interviews and the above findings, this study proposed feasible suggestions for the education authorities, the case school, physical education teachers, and provided possible future research directions.體育教師教師專業發展評鑑Physical Education TeacherTeacher Evaluation for Professional Development高中體育教師參與教師專業發展評鑑之個案研究A Case Study of High School P.E. Teachers' Participation in Evaluation for Professional Development in Tainan