陳李綢chen li chou湯韻蓉tang yun jung2019-08-282005-6-222019-08-282004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069101007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90458本研究旨在探討國小五年級學童的認知風格、情緒智力與學習動機之間的關係,主要目的有三項:(一)發展與考驗一套具有整合性的「國小學童認知風格量表」,以協助教師針對國小學童認知風格之特色而加以因材施教。(二)探討國小學童認知風格、情緒智力與學習動機的關係。(三)探討不同認知風格類型國小學童在情緒智力和學習動機上的差異性。 本研究採「問卷調查法」,以893名分佈於台北市、台北縣、新竹市、台中市等地區的國小五年級學生為研究對象,並使用「國小學童認知風格量表」、「國小學童情緒智力量表」、「國小學童學習動機量表」等調查工具。所得資料以典型相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定等統計方法來進行資料處理,綜合整個研究結果,本研究的結果分項概述如下:: 一、編製國小學生適用之「多向度認知風格量表」,結果顯示信度與效度均佳,且建立五年級學童之百分等級常模。 二、當國小學生之認知風格越傾向「場地獨立型」、「分化型」、「沈思型」和「聚斂型」,其情緒智力之「認識自己的情緒」「表達自己的情緒」「管理自己的情緒」「自我激勵」「認識他人的情緒」「回應他人的情緒」「人際關係的處理」,以及學習動機之「追求成功」與「目標導向」的傾向也越強。 三、以認知風格而言,認知風格為「分析型」的學童,其情緒智力優於「整體型」的學童。 四、以認知風格而言,認知風格為「分析型」的學童,其學習動機優於「整體型」的學童。 本研究結果可提供教學上、輔導工作上與未來研究上參考。This study investigates the relationships of the Cognitive Style, Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation of the Elementary 5th Grade Students, focusing on: 1. developing and testing an integrative scale of“The Cognitive Style of Elementary Students”, which is for the use of teacher’s teaching assistance, 2. investigating the relationships of the cognitive style, emotional intelligence and learning motivation of the elementary students, and 3. investigating the differences of emotional intelligence and learning motivation between different cognitive style of elementary students. In this study, we survey 893 elementary 5th grade students from Taipei City and County, HsinChu City and TaiChung City with “Elementary Students Cognitive Style Scale”, “Elementary Students Emotional Intelligence Scale”, and ” Elementary Students Learning Motivation Scale”. All results were analyzed by statistical methods such as canonical correlation analysis and independent sample t-test, and the research results can be concluded as follows: 1. With the construction of “Multi-dimensional Cognitive Style Scale” for elementary students and the percentage rating norms of elementary 5th students, the result shows good reliability and validity. 2. When the elementary student tends to be more “field-independency”, “disunite”, “contemplative”, and “convergent” Cognitive Style, the tendency of “knowing self’s emotion”, “expressing self’s emotion”, “managing self’s emotion”, “self-motivated”, “knowing other’s emotion”, “responding other’s emotion”, “deal with interpersonal relation” of emotional intelligence and “success pursuing”, “goal orientation” of learning motivation would be stronger. 3. In terms of Cognitive Style, the emotional intelligence of the “analytic” cognitive style students performed better than the “wholist” cognitive style students. 4. In light of Cognitive Style, the learning motivation of the “analytic” cognitive style students performed better than the “wholist” cognitive style students. We found that the results of this study could be provided as a reference for teaching, counseling and future research.認知風格情緒智力學習動機Cognitive StyleEmotional IntelligenceLearning Motivation國小五年級學童的認知風格、情緒智力與學習動機的相關研究A Study of the Cognitive Style, Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation of the Elementary 5th Grade Students