曾金金林翠鳳陳思宇2019-08-292011-2-242019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695260077%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93310西元1895年,臺灣割讓給日本,成為日本第一個海外殖民地,致使臺灣的語言系統、社會制度和文化層面受到相當大的衝擊。臺灣社會受到現代化觀點的召喚,努力突破傳統窠臼,如解纏足運動改變了臺灣女性的身體觀與生活模式。然而,在新事物、新文化、新觀點快速入侵臺灣之際,傳統漢學教育卻因臺灣總督府所實施的語言同化政策而逐漸沒落,甚至被新式教育所取代。知識份子深怕傳統漢學教育一旦被遺棄、被消滅,臺灣的傳統文化價值體系也隨之崩潰、瓦解。 於是,1930年臺南地區傳統知識份子創立漢文報刊《三六九小報》,並賦予維護、散播漢文學與傳統文化價值的厚望。其中,專欄〈新聲律啟蒙〉更是基於傳統詩學革命意識所創作的集體作品,具有四項特點:詩學訓練的教材、全文臺語創作、臺灣話文理念的實踐以及保留臺灣庶民文化特質。本篇論文以《三六九小報.新聲律啟蒙》為研究對象,選出生命禮俗、處世教化與詈罵用語等三大庶民文化相關詞彙,藉由剖析詞彙意義與觀看文本脈絡,並參照當時代其他的文學作品與工具書,期望更進一步了解日治時期臺灣的各種文化現象、臺灣人的價值觀系統。From1895 to 1945, Taiwan was ceded to Japan. As the first Japan’s overseas colony, Taiwan’s language system, social system and culture had a huge change, especially the general mood of society. Taiwan’s society was evoked by the Modernization, such as the release bound feet movement-- not only changed the body concept of Taiwan’s female, but also influenced their ways of life. While the Modernization had invaded Taiwan’s society quickly, the traditional education had started to be declined from the mainstream. The elite were afraid that if the traditional education was abandoned, the unique traditional cultural value system will be disintegrated soon. Therefore, a group of elite in Tainan launched a journal called 3-6-9 Tabloid during the Japanese Colonial Period. It could maintain and spread the traditional literature and the core of cultural value around. The column “Xīn-shēng-lǚ-qǐ-méng” is based on the revolutionary ideology of traditional poetry. It can be a classical Chinese poetry textbook, written in Taiwanese; that is to say, “Xīn-shēng-lǚ-qǐ-méng” fulfils the idea of Taiwanese-language, and preserves the unique feature in Taiwan folk culture. This study adopts the view of the rites of passage, interpersonal relationship and the curse words from the “Xīn-shēng-lǚ-qǐ-méng” in 3-6-9 Tabloid. Through the observation on the text and context, this study points out the Taiwan’s cultural phenomenon and the system of the core value during the Japanese colonial period.《三六九小報》〈新聲律啟蒙〉人文現象臺語臺灣話文價值觀3-6-9 TabloidXīn-shēng-lǚ-qǐ-méngcultural phenomenonTaiwaneseTaiwanese-languagevalue《三六九小報.新聲律啟蒙》人文現象之研究Taiwanese Cultural Phenomenon during the Japanese Colonial Period: The Study of the Column “Xīn-shēng-lǚ-qǐ-méng ” in 3-6-9 Tabloid