張育愷Chang, Yu-Kai羅恩豪LO, Yan-Ho2023-12-082023-06-082023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2eda6b19d4ae5ca0c4b365097a58cfed/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121462執行功能是一個高階的認知功能,它能由上而下控制低階認知功能,使人能夠有組織、計劃等能力,並監控複雜和目標導向的行為。過去研究顯示,執行功能與心理健康、生理健康、生活品質、工作成就、大腦健康和夫婦和諧有正向關聯。此功能被過去學者分為大三類別,分別為工作記憶、計劃能力、認知彈性和抑制控制,其中抑制控制能夠透過抑制和控制的過程,把分散到不同地方的注意力,集中在重要的事情上,因此它在執行功能上扮演著重要的角色。過去研究顯示,急性阻力運動對於抑制控制有正面的效果,但是對於其機制和處方還不清楚。因此,本研究目的為透過事件關聯電位 (ERP) 來探討不同強度急性阻力運動量對抑制控制之影響。我們假設在相同的訓練量下,中等強度的急性阻力運動會對抑制控制產生更大的正面影響。我們招募了74位年齡介乎18-25歲的年輕成年人,把參與者隨機分派到控制組、低強度運動組 (LI) 和中強度運動組 (MI)。訓練量相同,低強度運動組 (30% 1RM) 進行3組20次和中強度運動組 (60%1RM) 進行3組10次反覆次數的全身性動作 (史密斯胸推、史密斯划船、史密斯肩推、史密斯深蹲和史密斯硬舉),運動介入時間大約30-45分鐘,組間休息時間為2-3分鐘,進行動作的速度為向心收縮1秒和離心收縮2秒,而控制組為45分鐘的閱讀。所有的參與者於介入前和介入後15分鐘使用叫色測驗 (stroop test) 測量抑制控制。本研究結果顯示,在中強度組中,叫色測驗內的不一致情境反應時間短於控制組 (P<0.05),低強度組則沒有改變。血乳酸在運動組的介入後有顯著的上升 (P<0.05),並且上升的程度一樣,其中低強度組的後測前血乳酸比前測前高。沒有發現血乳酸有中介的效果。本研究總結相同訓練量的不同強度急性阻力運動可能對抑制控制有不同的效果。Executive function is a top-down mental process that manages the basic cognitive function, powering people to organize, plan, and monitor complex, goal-oriented behaviors. It has been divided into 3 parts: working memory, planning, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control. Inhibitory control is fundamental among those functions because it helps people allocate their attention correctly on the specific task by inhibiting stimuli and control of attention. According to previous studies, acute resistance exercise can positively affect inhibitory control, but with an unclear mechanism and exercise prescriptions. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of acute resistance exercise at different intensities on inhibitory control by using the event-related potential (ERP). We hypothesize that moderate intensity of acute resistance exercise can better influence the inhibitory control under the same training volume. We recruited 74 young adults, aged 18-25 to participate and randomized them into 3 groups-------control group, low-intensity group and moderate-intensity group. The results of this study showed that in the moderate-intensity group, the incongruent situation reaction time in the stroop test was shorter than that in the control group (P<0.05), and there was no change in the low-intensity group. The blood lactic acid in the exercise group increased significantly after the intervention (P<0.05), and the degree of increase was the same, and the blood lactic acid in the low-intensity group was higher before the post-test than before the pre-test. Blood lactate was not found to have a mediating effect. This study concluded that different intensities of acute resistance exercise with the same training volume may affect inhibitory control differently.急性阻力運動抑制控制執行功能劑量反應acute resistance exerciseinhibitory controlexecutive functiondoes-response相同訓練量之不同強度急性阻力運動對抑制控制之影響:事件關聯電位研究The effects of different intensities of acute resistance exercise with the same training volume on inhibitory control: An event-related potential studyetd