陳勇祥賴翠媛Yung-Hsiang Chen, Tsuei-Yuan Lai2019-08-122019-08-122017-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81676本研究旨在探討不同教育階段資優學生參與服務學習的動機與成效,採立意取樣方式,從南部地區之高中、國中、國小,選取曾參與服務學習達20 小時以上者,共12 位,進行訪談。研究發現:各階段資優學生之服務動機為自主意願,且期望能透過服務學習,提升自我概念與培養勇氣,其差異處為國、高中學生較國小學生關注偏鄉、社會服務與重視社會連結。服務成效方面,國小、國中、高中學生多數認為服務學習能培養同理接納態度與促進人際關係和諧,差異處在於國中、高中學生較國小學生能試探生涯目標,培養公民責任,提升問題解決技能與溝通能力。The purpose of this research is to explore the motivation and performance of service learning for gifted students at different educational stages. The findings show that all stages of gifted students volunteer to participate in service-learning, but high school students raise more concerns about rural areas, social services and attention to social links than primary school students. All stages of gifted students agree that the experiences of service learning help them develop empathy for others and promote interpersonal harmony, but as compared with the other two groups, the engagement of high school students in service learning also help them explore life goals, learn the importance of civic participation, and improve problem solving skills and communication skills資優服務學習動機成效giftedservice-learningmotivationeffect不同教育階段之資優學生參與服務學習的動機與成效探究The Research of Motivations and Effects of Service-Learning for Gifted Students at Different Educational Stages