黃久美郭鍾隆鄭其嘉鄭雅娟林正昌2014-10-272014-10-272007-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/237本研究分析某市民眾行為(成癮物質使用、健康促進行為、健康服務利用)與身體健康(身 體疼痛、慢性病數)、心理健康(憂鬱症狀、自覺健康狀況)間的關係。運用結構方程模式驗證概念模式與觀察資料的適配程度。結果顯示:健康促進行為與成癮物 質使用呈負相關。健康服務利用愈多之市民,其身體健康愈差;而健康促進行為愈差、健康服務利用愈多者,其心理健康愈差;成癮物質使用對身體及心理健康均無 顯著影響。The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among behaviors (substance abuse, health promotion behaviors, and utilization of preventive health service), physiological health (body pain, number of chronic illnesses), and psychological health (depressive symptoms and self-reported health status). The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied to validate the fitness of conceptual framework and observed data. The results revealed that substance use was negatively correlated with health promotion behaviors. The results of SEM indicated that the citizens who used more frequently preventive health services have a worse status of physiological health. The citizens who adopt less health promoting behaviors and more frequently used preventive health services have a worse status of psychological health. Substance use was not significantly associated with both of physiological and psychological health.預防保健服務健康促進結構方程模式Preventive health servicesHealth promotionStructural equation modeling以結構方程模式驗證社區民眾行為與健康之關係Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Validate the Relationships between Behavior and Health in a Community Sample