蔡順良Shung-Liang Tsai吳心怡Hsin-Yi Wu2019-08-282008-7-242019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593012018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90774 本研究主要探討國中生父母親職效能感、親子依附與子女自我效能感之關係。本研究以臺北縣市與桃園縣國中學生及其家長為研究對象,以「親子依附量表」與「青少年多向度自我效能量表」,與自編的「親職效能感量表」等研究工具進行問卷調查。共得有效學生問卷978份與家長問卷664份。根據問卷調查所得到的資料,以多變量變異數分析、逐步迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果發現: 1.親職效能感在子女性別與家長身分、子女排行與家長身分兩項交互作用分析均不顯著。只有國中生家長身分不同(即:父親或母親)親職效能感上有顯著差異,包括在親子互動、人際交往、生涯發展與身體健康三方面,均是母親的親職效能感得分高於父親。 2.國中生知覺的親子依附在性別與排行上交互作用均不顯著。只有在與父親的溝通方面有性別的差異,研究結果顯示男生與父親的溝通得分高於女生。 3.國中生自我效能感在性別與排行上交互作用均不顯著,但在體能表現自我效能感方面有性別的差異,研究結果顯示男生在體能表現上的自我效能感高於女生。 4.關於親職效能感與子女知覺的親子依附、自我效能感三者的關係,本研究有下列主要發現: (1)母親在親子互動與人際交往的親職效能感較能有效預測子女知覺與母親依附的溝通關係,母親在親子互動的親職效能感也能有效預測子女知覺與母親依附的信任關係;然而父親的親職效能感對子女知覺與父親的依附關係較無顯著預測效果。 (2)國中生與母親的依附溝通關係對學業表現、人際關係與生涯發展等方面自我效能感的預測力較高;國中生與父親的依附溝通關係對學業表現自我效能預測力較高,與父親的依附信任關係則對人際關係自我效能感的預測力較高。 (3)母親在學業督導的親職效能感對國中生學習表現自我效能感最具預測效果,父親在生活常規的親職效能感對國中生體能表現最具預測力。 本研究最後針對本研究的發現提出對教育單位、家長與未來研究的具體建議。The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships among parenting efficacy, adolescents’ perceived parent-child attachment and self-efficacy in Taiwan junior high school students. The participants were 978 teenage students and 664 their parents from Taipei City, Taipei County, and Taoyuan County. Measurement used in this study included the Inventory of Parent Attachment, Self-efficacy Inventory, and Parenting Self-efficacy Inventory, which is innovated in this research. Data from this survey were statistically analyzed by using MANOVA and stepwise regression. The main results from this research were shown as followed. 1.The result indicated that there were no significant interaction effect between adolescent’s gender and their parent’s identity (mother or father) in parenting efficacy, as well as adolescent’s birth order and their parent’s identity. After post-hoc comparison, it was shown that mothers had better parenting self-efficacy than fathers in three aspects, including parent-child interaction, child’s interpersonal relationship, and health care. 2.The result indicated that there were no significant interaction effect between adolescent’s gender and birth order in attachment. After post-hoc comparison, it was shown that boys had better communication with fathers than girls 3.The result indicated that there were no significant interaction effect between adolescent’s gender and birth order in self-efficacy. The post-hoc comparison showed that boys had higher physical efficacy than girls. 4.The predicative relationships among parenting efficacy, adolescents’ perceived attachment, and self-efficacy were proved in this study. (1)Adolescents’ perceived communication with mother was significantly predicted by mother’s parenting efficacy in parent-child interaction and child’s friendship. Adolescents’ perceived “trust in mother” was predicted by mother’s efficacy in parent-child interaction. However, father’s parenting efficacy can not significantly predicted by adolescents’ attachment with fathers. (2)The communication with mother can predict adolescents’ academic efficacy, interpersonal efficacy, and career efficacy. The communication with father can predict adolescents’ academic efficacy. The trust in father can predict interpersonal efficacy. (3)Adolescents’ learning efficacy was predicated by mother’s efficacy in learning supervision. Adolescents’ physical efficacy was predicted by father’ efficacy in discipline. At last, implications of the findings and suggestions for school, parents, and future study were also proposed in the study.親職效能感親子依附青少年自我效能感parenting self-efficacyattachmentadolescents' self-efficacy國中生的父母親職效能感與子女知覺的親子依附、自我效能感之關係研究The Relationships among Parenting Self-efficacy, Adolescents’ Perceived Parent-child Attachment and Self-efficacy