溫明麗博士Dr. Wen Ming Li李詠絮Lee, Yung Hsu2019-08-282014-01-012019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0894000064%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90311本論文是以現象學方法進行大學生軟體下載行為的探討,並藉由文獻分析及半結構訪談的研究方法,了解大學生網路下載行為的意向性,以及其對於智慧財產權在網路上的應用與規範,希望藉由批判思考的方式融入教學之中,建構具有批判性之網路倫理課程。本論文研究結論主要有五: 一、大學生下載軟體的行為會受到過去經驗、科技方便性及軟體價格的影響。 二、學生將下載軟體的行為視為個人行為,缺乏理解智慧財產權的法制觀念。 三、學校對於網路的規範的執行力及政府執行智慧財產權的魄力,會減少學生下載盜版行為。 四、校園中對於智慧財產權的宣導及提供大量授權的教育軟體,都有助於幫助學生減少下載盜版軟體。 五、網路倫理課程只著重於理論的講解,無法改變實際下載軟體的行為。 必須藉由給予學生經濟實惠的軟體價格與良好的網絡倫理以幫助學生合法進行下載,簡言之,即透過PACT倫理的規範幫助學生建立正確下載軟體的行為。 最後,本論文依據前述研究發現,提出三項建議,期冀從教育著手,幫助大學生建立正確下載或使用軟體以提升網路倫理,成為軟體善用者。三項建議分述如下: 一、增加智慧財產權知識取得的來源,強化大學生的法制觀念以及軟體下載行為。 二、重視校園中潛在課程的影響,從情意關懷層面陶冶其行為。 三、從PACT倫理規範中給予大學生體驗式的倫理課程,並進一步建構教學模式。This dissertation explores the behaviors of software downloading of college students in Taiwan by both phenomenological method and a semi-structured interviewing. The purpose is to understand the intention of students’ software download and intellectual property rights then to conduct an internet ethics curriculum with a cognitive process of critical thinking. There are five main conclusions of this dissertation: 1.Students’ behaviors of software download may affect by their previous experiences, availability of technology and the price of software. 2.Students take the software download as personal affairs and be unconscious intellectual property rights. 3.The execution of university network specification and force of the implement intellectual property rights could reduce the illegal downloading. 4.The campus advocacy for intellectual property rights and the provision of educational software licensing will be able to reduce the behaviors of illegal downloading. 5.Internet ethics courses focus only on theoretical explanations can’t help students change the behavior of software download. It has to change students’ legal downloading merely through the internet ethics due to their affordable ability for software. In a short, an ethics with P (Privacy), A(Autonomy), C(Caring), T(Trust) is helpful to improve students’ behaviors properly while using internet downloading. Finally, this dissertation makes three concrete recommendations for good use of software download and to improve the teaching effectiveness of internet ethics. There are: 1.Expanding the sources of intellectual property knowledge acquisition to enhance students’ ability to act as a good citizenship based upon the law and morality. 2.The hidden curriculum should be taken as an important impact to facilitate students’ passions to act morally. 3.Conduct an experiential realistic on ethics curriculum based on privacy, autonomy, caring and trust should be further constructed as a model for ethical teaching.網路倫理意向性軟體下載PACT倫理規範internet ethicsintentionalitysoftware downloadPACT ethics我國大學生網路倫理之意向性探究-以軟體下載為例Exploring the Intentionality of Internet Ethics among College Students in Taiwan- A Case of Software Download