李明芬黃文綺2019-08-292017-09-012019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098023102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92321本研究以敘說母與女的生命故事開始,從獨白敘說到深度對話,以及與母親深度連結的生命故事書寫,一重又一重的走向生命的對話與向內照見。在這敘說─獨白─對話─詮釋的不斷循環過程,母與女的故事逐漸的在深層的理解中一層又層的澄現。 透過書寫母親的故事,看見了昔日沒有真正看見的母親,也看見在母親的冷靜理性和多彩演藝的生命光環中,交錯著生活的艱辛,卻也蘊含著對子女和家庭無限的熱情與關愛。經由過去經驗的敘說,串聯原本模糊的故事,亦撫慰了勞累神傷的過往。也在還原生活經驗的過程中,重新理解及詮釋生命意義。 從角色轉換的書寫中看見生命的轉折,包括走進婚姻,成為妻子和母親,為從角色轉換的書寫中看見生命的轉折,包括走進婚姻,成為妻子和母親,為了孩子進入校園成為故事媽媽和認輔媽媽,而後在志願服務領域中走向專業講師,開啟了內在生命之窗和生涯學習之門。在生命轉折中,不僅修習許多未曾修過的學分,發現自己的演說天賦、開展領導能力,更從其中看見生命的課題,學習如何創造美好關係。 從生命的獨白到生命的對話,我照見生命的迴旋與家族的深度連結,亦照見生命轉折過程所承擔的愛與願,更重要的是照見內在生命的光明。這個歷程彌足珍貴,也讓我在運用生命敘說帶領成人團體時,更能貼近參與者的心情。回應本論文的研究目的,我相信透過這樣的生命故事敘說,將能激勵更多女性願意透過敘說和書寫她們的生命故事,看見自己生命歷程的珍貴,同時照見自己生命之光。Revelation From Critical Transition In Life —Monologue and Dialogue Between Mother and Daughter Abstract The study starts with narrating the life stories of mother and daughter, streaming from narratives, monologues to deep dialogues in the form, and deeply reconnecting mother and daughter through life-story writing. It is through such illuminated monologues as well as dialogues between two lives that the essence of their internal lives gets revealed. The cyclical process of narrating-monologue-dialogue- interpretation thus enhances the mutual understanding of mother and daughter, and nurtures their presencing. Through story writing, the daughter sees what she could not see in her mother’s life. She comes to realize her mother’s devoted love disguised in her constant sober, and endless passion interwoven with the halo in her acting life and unbearable hardships in her daily life. With the narrating of the past, the many vague stories of her mother get clearer and interconnected, the daughter’s heart be consoled, and the meaning be reinterpreted as the life stories are unfolded. While depicting the various roles she plays, such as wife, mother, story-teller and professional lecturer, the daughter not only SEES her mother but also DISCOVERS the true meaning embodied in these critical roles. This opens up her inner life and extends her learning journey in the long run. So many new lessons are taken, and these divergent life projects she has undertaken help harness her speaking talents, cultivate her leadership, and deepen her insights into the beautiful relationships in life. From these monologues and dialogues, the daughter’s life rhythms and her deep connection with family emerge as a whole. She found that her love is indeed accompanied with vows in these various roles. Most important of all, she SEES the lights in her inner life. It was such a valuable journey that she would like to invite more females to join and learn to narrate and write their own mother-daughter stories. It is expected that such an engagement would enable them to enlighten their own lives.敘說生命故事母女關係生命轉折認輔志工家族系統排列Narrativelife-storymother-daughter relationshiptransition of lifecounseling volunteerfamily constellation生命轉折處的照見─母與女的獨白和對話Revelation From Critical Transition In Life—Monologue and Dialogue Between Mother and Daughter