胡益進張善爻Chang, Shan-Yao2019-08-282017-02-182019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060205003E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87443摘 要 本論文某大學學生飲食異常傾向及其相關因素之研究,研究目的在瞭解大學生處於社會因素(媒體影響、父母影響、同儕影響與臉書影響)之下,身體意象之變化,及對飲食異常傾向之影響。 方法:研究對象為國內某大學之377名學生,以使用問卷收集資料,問卷內所使用的量表有「媒體接觸量表」、「雙親影響量表」、「同儕影響量表」、「臉書比較量表」、「身體意象問卷」及「飲食態度量表」等。 結果:377個樣本之中,其中男性26(6.9%)人、女性21(5.6)人,身體質量指數正常者最多230人(61%),其次為過輕72人(19%)。飲食正常330(87.5%)人,飲食異常47人(12.5%)。 一、身體意象總得分平均數接近平均值。「外表評價」平均數略高於中位數。「外表取向」、「身體各部位滿意度」平均數高於中位數。「對體重過重之關注」平均數小於中位數。 二、女性身體意象總分比男性高。身體質量指數過輕者,較肥胖者有更高的外表評價。身體質量指數越高的人,對體重過重之關注程度越高。男性比女性對身體各部位更滿意。 三、外表評價越高者,飲食異常傾向越低;對體重過重越關注者,飲食異常傾向越高;對身體各部位越不滿意者,飲食異常傾向越高;臉書使用主觀感受越明顯者,飲食異常傾向越高。 四、媒體、父母、同儕、社群媒體都與外表取向、對體重過重之關注有顯著正相關。父母、同儕、社群媒體與身體各部位滿意度有顯著正相關。 結論:本研究,飲食異常傾向人數頗多(47人,12.5%)。為國人健康身體意象考量,各領域人員,可以從教育系統、媒體等方面努力改善;個人則可以從自我人際網絡,自我覺察等方面努力改善。 關鍵字:大學生、社會因素、身體意象、社群媒體、飲食異常ABSTRACT A procedure is to find out college students’ body image by means of a survey. I wanted to know which social factors influence body image, including media, parents, peers, and social media. Finally, we examined the influence of body image and social factors on eating disorder. I surveyed 377 college students in Taiwan. The questionnaire included items about media use, parental influence, peer influence, social media, MBSRQ, and EAT-26.. Among the 377 respondents, we found 330 normal eaters(87.5%) and 47 with eating disorders including 26 male(6.9%) and 21 female(5.6%). For students’ body image, the mean is very close to the median. For appearance-evaluation, mean is slightly higher than the median. For appearance-orientation and body satisfaction, the mean is higher than the median. For concern about weight, the mean is lower than median. Female students had a higher body image score than males on the MBSRQ. Those with lower BMI, judged their own appearance more favorably than those with higher BMI. Males had higher body satisfaction than females overall. Those who evaluated their own appearance more favorably were less likely to have eating disorder. Eating disorders were more common among those with more concern about their weight, those with lower body satisfaction, and those who tend to compare themselves with images on social media. Media, parents, peers, and social media all effect the appearance-orientation and concern with weight. Parents, peers, and social media affect body satisfaction. I compared our findings with other research in Taiwan over many years. I learned that eating disorders are becoming more and more prevalent in secondary school and college. This problem needs to be address by our education system, media, by ourselves and the people around us. Key word: College, social factor, body image, social network site, eating disorder.大學生社會因素身體意象社群媒體飲食異常College studentSocial factorsBody imageSocial network siteEating disorder某大學學生飲食異常傾向及其相關因素之研究The study of eating disorder and related factors for students of one university