宋慧筠John Siraj-Blatchford陳舜德Hui-Yun Sung,John Siraj-Blatchford,Shun-Der Chen2019-08-122019-08-122015-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80570此研究之目的,是為了協助家長獲取所需資訊,藉以培育學齡前孩童之讀寫萌發。此研究乃以實用主義哲學為本,其中的介入性研究包含策劃、執行與評估工作坊的進行。本研究在2014 年七月至九月間在臺灣北部某一中型公共圖書館,共進行了六次工作坊。現有文獻對手持裝置與app應用程式在讀寫萌發發展方面的價值已有著墨;而本研究成果在此領域亦有所貢獻。本研究顯示臺灣公共圖書館在培育孩童讀寫萌發的過程中,app 應用程式可扮演重要的角色;本研究同時也建議圖書館人員,若想要針對新穎數位科技擬出適宜對策,則需要時間接受專業發展訓練,以及實驗。另外,本研究亦針對此領域之未來研究發展,提供了相關的建議。The aim of this research project has been to develop a mobile app-based library programme to support early childhood learning. The app -based library programme involved the design, implementation and evaluation of six workshops between July and September 2014 in a medium -sized public library in north Taiwan. This researchcontributes to a growing literature that provides evidence of the value of handheld devices and apps in contributing to early childhood learning, particularly in the context of public libraries. The potential of apps for fostering early childhood learning in public libraries in Taiwan is recognised and it is suggested that library staff need time for professional development and experimentation if they are to respond appropriately to new digital technologies. Limitations of this research project are acknowledged and suggestions for future research in this area are also provided.學齡前孩童公共圖書館Apps讀寫萌發互動Early ChildhoodPublic LibrariesAppsTechnology學齡前孩童與app 應用程式?透過app應用程式為基礎的圖書館活動計畫以協助家長獲取所需資訊Developing an App-Based Library Programme to Support Early Childhood Learning