田秀蘭謝幸軒2019-08-282016-7-282019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0001012107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90672本研究主要以具有生涯轉換經驗的成人為訪談對象,探討他們生涯轉換的心路歷程,瞭解影響其求學或工作過程中進行轉換的因素,以及發現生涯轉換階段的調適方式,並且闡述在轉換後帶來的成長與改變。藉由敘事研究法,以立意取樣的方式邀請四位研究參與者分享其生涯轉換歷程的生命故事,並且將訪談內容整理為文字資料,以[整體—內容]及[類別—內容]模式進行研究的分析。 研究結果發現,參與者的生涯轉換動機如下:(1)個人因素:包含背景與心理因素;(2)環境因素:包含社會環境與工作環境因素;(3)個人與環境交互影響因素:包含個人願望或自我期許、對未來的評估或考量、人際因素與其他。 綜觀研究結果,研究參與者在生涯轉換歷程中所遭遇的挑戰與困境涵蓋五個主題:(1)不確定性帶來的猶豫;(2)家人或朋友的反對;(3)公司新文化的衝擊;(4)工作內容的生疏;(5)工作型態的改變。 參與者用來協助自己度過生涯轉換階段的調適策略包括:(1)進行自我探索;(2)運用專長或工作經驗;(3)尋求人際網絡的支持;(4)請益於長輩或同儕;(5)時間管理與壓力調適;(6)持續自我充實與提升;(7)以正向思維面對困境;(8)追求信仰與心靈的成長。 根據研究結果的分析,參與者回顧自己的生命經驗,發現在生涯轉換過程中確實帶來許多成長與改變,對個人造成的影響與意義可以歸納出五個主題:(1)探索自己的人生方向;(2)累積個人的實力與能量;(3)面對生涯變動的彈性思維;(4)因應挑戰與困境的轉念;(5)逐漸明朗的人生價值觀。 最後,研究者提出研究結論、研究限制與建議,以及研究歷程的反思。希望透過此研究,能夠提供學校教師、生涯諮商輔導員、面臨生涯困境者以及對此研究主題有興趣者一些啟發及參考。The purpose of this study is to interview adults with their career transition experiences and to explore their mentality, to understand the impact of their study or work performed during the conversion factors, and to discover the career transition stage adaptation model set forth in the transitional zone to grow and change. This research sampled four participants to share their life stories over the course of their career transitions, and then compiling their responses into the “Holistic-Content” and “Categorical- Content” model study analysis. Study found that participants motivation in career transitioning are as follows: ( 1 ) personal factors : contains background and psychological factors ; ( 2 ) Environmental factors: social and work environmental factors ; ( 3 ) interaction of personal and environmental factors: personal desire or self-expectations for future assessment, consideration, interpersonal factors and etc. Analyzing the results, the participants over the course of career transition challenges and difficulties on five topics: ( 1 ) uncertainty caused by hesitation ; ( 2 ) family or friends opposition ; ( 3 ) assimilation to the company’s cultural dynamics ( 4 ) work content ; impact change ( 5 ) working dynamics . Participants manage their own coping strategies to assist career transition phases which includes: ( 1 ) self- exploration ; ( 2 ) use of expertise or experience ; ( 3 ) seek support interpersonal networks ; ( 4) learning from their elders or peers ; ( 5 ) time management and stress management ; ( 6 ) continuous self-enrichment and enhancement ; ( 7 ) positive thinking to face difficulties ; ( 8 ) pursuit of faith and spiritual growth . According to the analysis findings , participants recalled their own life experiences and found that career transition process does bring a lot of growth and change caused by the impact and significance of the individuals which can be summarized into five themes : ( 1 ) exploring individuals own direction in life ; ( 2 ) accumulating personal strength and energy ; ( 3 ) flexibility in career changes; ( 4 ) in responding to the challenges and difficulties of career transitions ; ( 5 ) increasing the values on the meaning of life . Finally, researchers proposed conclusions, limitations, recommendations, and reflections on this study. Hopefully this research can provide school teachers, career counseling counselors, individuals in the process of career transitions, those interested in the subject to obtain inspiration and use as reference reference.成人生涯轉換敘事研究adultqualitative studycareer transition成人生涯轉換歷程 之敘事研究A Narrative Study on Adults' Career Transition