鄧成連Deng Cheng Lian鄭伃婷Cheng Yu Ting2019-09-052014-2-202019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060063006T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103337建築物的結構可承受外力載重防止崩塌,包裝也需設計結構以支撐內容物所存放之空間,且不論建築或包裝,兩者皆脫離不了與美學的重要關係。本創作研究藉由思考建築結構與包裝設計的類同處,進而相互融合、互補兩者之結構美學,透過此結合以發掘更多的可能性,呈現不同於以往之創新包裝設計。 透過文獻探討深入了解建築結構之概念脈絡、設計原理,以及包裝的基礎知識,並以建築、包裝的各五個案例深入理解設計的實際操作手法,分析兩領域的結構與形態之關連。創作以未來建築與包裝設計的共同趨勢-「輕量化」為主題。依據研究結果創作出以建築結構形態為出發的禮品包裝設計:婚禮喜糖包裝、花束包裝、沐浴花瓣包裝。創作中思考如何將建築結構形態轉化至包裝設計上為本創作之重心,發現發想設計之際宜以建築結構的基礎形態出發再轉化至包裝設計上,若先以包裝的角度思考反而容易侷限在原本的包裝概念裡,使得建築結構形態難以完全發揮。 「建築結構設計」有著相通的概念與原理,涵蓋力學工程的專業知識,「建築形態設計」則變化多端無規則可循,因此建築結構設計需以理論為基礎發展,而建築形態設計雖無一定模式,但需對點、線、面、體的構成有一定敏感度,才能妥善支配彼此份量而安排出不俗的結果。因而惟有對建築結構深入理解,才可以此為基礎發展出不破壞機能性並輔助達成美感的形態設計。 文獻探討整理建築的相關知識,深入理解其結構的基本原理與其形態之建構生成,並認識包裝的基本觀念與掌握未來趨勢,再透過案例分析歸納出建築、包裝兩者其結構與形態之關連。創作嘗試了轉化建築結構概念,以建築形態重新解構包裝立體空間,驗證了建築結構形態應用於包裝設計之可能。 本研究突破往常包裝設計的發想模式,從建築的領域出發思考,重新解構包裝的立體空間之處理方式,轉化建築領域的特色帶來包裝新的創作靈感,期能給包裝設計師作為未來創作的參考。The structures of buildings can endure external load and prevent collapse. In packaging, the structure also needs to be designed to support the internal space for storage. Both architecture and packaging are also concerned with aesthetics. This creative research integrated the structural aesthetics of architecture and packaging by considering the similarities between architectural structures and packaging design in order to develop even more posibilities and present innovative packaging designs that differ from those of the past. A literature review was conducted to achieve an in-depth understanding of the design pinciples of architectural structures as well as basic knowledge regarding packaging. Furthermore, five cases were recruited to provide further understanding of actual operational methods in order to analyze the relationships between the structures and forms of the two fields. In terms of creation, the mutual trend of the future “lightweight” was used as the theme. Gift packaging designs including packaging for wedding candy, bouquets, and bath petals were developed based on architectural structures and forms according to the research results. The emphasis of this research was to think of how to incorporate architectural structures and forms into packaging designs in order to develop suitable designs based on the basic forms of architectural structures and then transform them into packaging. If looked at from the packaging perspective, the packaging is likely to be limited to previous packaging concepts, thus causing architectural structures and forms to be difficult to develop.建築設計建築結構結構形態包裝設計禮品包裝Architecture DesignArchitecture StructureStructure FromPackage DesignGift Package建築結構形態應用於包裝創新之探討 -以禮品包裝設計為例Applying the structure of architecture to the gift packaging design