于曉平Yu, Hsiao-Ping楊政儒Yang, Cheng-Ju2024-12-172024-07-172024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d847f8e46e1cc6784fb41e5cacef80e3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122586本研究旨在探討國小校長於108課綱中校訂課程及其內含之資優教育特殊需求課程的課程領導情形,了解校長於課程領導中所扮演的領導角色,以及資優教育教師對於課程領導的見解與觀點。本研究為現象學研究,透過半結構式的訪談方式,以任職於設有一般智能資優班的臺北市、新北市國小校長與教師為研究參與者,針對其在108課綱實施前後之課程領導情形訪談與分析,並以持續比較法形成概念的類別與脈絡。本研究經持續比較法之逐步浮現步驟後進行研究結果的梳理,最終所得研究結論如下:一、校長在校訂課程領導上依課程的規劃進程有不同的角色,初期為課程的願景迷航時期,校長角色包含課程願景的匯聚者及課程事務的協調及課程改革的激勵者;在滾動除錯的中期校長為為課程問題的解決與課程資源的整合者;在成熟、穩定與精進的後期校長則為教師專業進修的推動者。二、在108課綱前校長在資優教育課程領導的介入較少,在108課綱實施後則主要以間接領導方式進行課程領導。校長於資優教育課程領導為願景串連、改革激勵、資源整合、建構輔助、精神支持與特色行銷角色。三、國小校長在資優教育的課程領導上,採取無領導或低領導強度方式帶領資優教育課程發展,使教師在課程運作上較有彈性。然資優教育教師期待校長在課程領導上能適度的關心並提供建議,此舉能加強資優教育教師對於課程運作的投入程度。四、校長與教師對於課程領導者特質的期待不同,校長對領導特質的期待包含傳統、創新與包容,涵蓋課程發展概念與關係導向特質;教師則希望課程領導者具備包容不同見解、邏輯清楚、願意溝通及真誠相待等關係導向特質。五、108課綱的推動使資優教育與普通教育合作相較政策推動前更加密切,合作向度除過往的學生學習與行為輔導外,增加了課程與教學上的專業交流,資普的合作範圍更加廣泛且深入。This study aims to explore the curriculum leadership of elementary school principals regarding the school-based curriculum and the specialized needs curriculum for gifted education within the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines (Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education). It seeks to understand the leadership roles that principals play in curriculum leadership and the perspectives of gifted education teachers on curriculum leadership. This phenomenological study employs semi-structured interviews with elementary school principals and teachers from Taipei City and New Taipei City who oversee general intelligence gifted classes. Interviews and analyses focus on their experiences and perceptions of curriculum leadership before and after the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, using constant comparative analysis to develop conceptual categories and contexts. Following the iterative steps of constant comparative analysis, the study identifies the following conclusions:1.Principals play various roles in curriculum leadership based on the curriculum planning process: in the initial phase, they act as visionaries and coordinators of curriculum affairs, as well as motivators of curriculum reform; in the mid-term phase of troubleshooting, principals serve as problem solvers and integrators of curriculum resources; in the mature and refined stages, principals become promoters of teacher professional development.2.Before the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, principals had limited involvement in curriculum leadership for gifted education. Post-implementation, they primarily engage in indirect leadership approaches. Principals' roles in gifted education curriculum leadership include connecting visions, inspiring reform, integrating resources, constructing support, providing spiritual support, and marketing distinctive features. 3.Elementary school principals adopt a low or non-intensity leadership style in guiding the development of gifted education curriculum, allowing teachers flexibility in curriculum operations. However, gifted education teachers expect principals to demonstrate appropriate levels of concern andprovide guidance, which enhances their commitment to curriculum operations.4.Principals and teachers have differing expectations of leadership qualities: principals prioritize traditional, innovative, and inclusive traits, encompassing concepts of curriculum development and relationship-oriented characteristics; teachers emphasize leaders who embrace diverse perspectives, communicate clearly, and demonstrate sincerity in their interactions.5.The promotion of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines enhances collaboration between gifted education and general education compared to pre-policy implementation. Collaboration now extends beyond student learning and behavioral guidance to include professional exchanges in curriculum and teaching, broadening and deepening the scope of collaboration between gifted and general education.國小校長資優教育課程課程領導領導角色Elementary School PrincipalsCurricula for Gifted EducationCurricula LeadershipLeadership Roles國小校長在資優教育課程領導上扮演角色之研究A Study on the Role of Elementary School Principals in Curricula Leadership for Gifted Education學術論文