陳志銘洪欽銘Chih-Ming ChenChin-Ming Hong莊敬璞Ching-Pu Chuang2019-09-032017-01-252019-09-032012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698750231%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95833動畫互動型多媒體教材可促使學習者和教材間產生對話及互動,提供較佳的視覺效果,也有助於提升學習者的學習興趣,因此目前動畫互動型多媒體教材已是多媒體教材設計的主流。探討動畫互動多媒體教材設計對於學習者的學習情緒、認知負荷及學習成效影響,有助於調整動畫互動型多媒體教材的設計,進而降低學習者的認知負荷,致使產生好的學習情緒而提升學習成效。而探討動畫互動多媒體教材對於不同認知風格及性別學習者之學習情緒、學習成效及認知負荷影響差異,則有助於發展適性化動畫互動多媒體教材。 因此,本研究使用情緒壓力感測儀emWave及認知負荷量表,量測學習者的學習情緒變化及評估其產生的認知負荷,以探討動畫互動型多媒體教材對於學習者的學習情緒、學習成效及認知負荷影響;又動畫互動型多媒體教材對於文字型及圖像型認知風格學習者,是否具有學習情緒、學習成效及認知負荷上的影響差異;再則,動畫互動型多媒體教材對於不同性別學習者,是否具有學習情緒、學習成效及認知負荷上的影響差異。研究結果發現,認知負荷高之學習者在使用動畫互動型多媒體教材進行學習時,其學習情緒與認知負荷具有顯著相關;認知負荷分量中的難易度可預測正負面情緒;不同性別之高認知負荷學習者其整體認知負荷及正負面情緒具有顯著差異;且不同學習風格之學習者其認知負荷具有顯著差異。Animated, interactive multimedia learning materials can encourage dialog and interaction between learners and the materials themselves, providing superior visual effects and assisting in the promotion of interest in learning. Therefore, these types of materials are currently at the forefront in the design of multimedia learning materials. Investigating the influence of these materials on the emotions, cognitive load, and learning effectiveness of learners of different genders and cognitive style is helpful in adjusting the design of the materials; thereby reducing the cognitive load on learners, engendering healthy learning emotions, and improving learning effectiveness. Therefore, this study used the emotional pressure-sensing device emWave and a cognitive load scale to examine the influence of animated, interactive multimedia learning materials on the learning emotions, learning effectiveness, and cognitive loads of learners, and whether differences in these factors exist among learners with Visualizer / Verbalizer cognitive styles of learning, and between learners of different genders. The resultsof this study indicated that a significant correlation existed between the learning emotions and cognitive loads of learners with high cognitive loads when using animated, interactive learning materials. The difficulty in the components of the cognitive load can predict positive or negative emotions. Significant differences also existed between the overall cognitive loads and emotions of learners of different genders with high cognitive loads. In addition, significant discrepancies existed in the cognitive loads of learners with differing learning styles.認知負荷學習情緒情緒識別多媒體教材認知風格Cognitive loadLearning EmotionEmotion RecognitionMultimedia Learning MaterialsCognitive style基於情緒識別技術探討動畫互動型多媒體教材對於學習情緒、認知負荷及學習成效之影響Using Emotion Recognition Technology to Assess the Effects of Interactive Animation Multimedia Materials on Learning Emotion, Cognitive Load and Learning Performance