闕月清Keh, Nyit Chin王碩煌Wang Shuo-Huang2019-09-052020-2-52019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060130069A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105523本研究旨在探討中學體育代理/代課教師對在職進修的看法,以及學位進修過程中角色衝突情形和採用之因應策略。研究參與者立意取樣選取兩名男性和兩名女性代理與代課之臺北市國中、高中體育教師共四名。研究方法採質性取向的個案研究,用半結構式訪談蒐集資料,並以持續比較法將訪談逐字稿進行分類、編碼及詮釋。本研究之可信賴度 (trustworthiness) 以成員查核(member checks)與同儕檢定(peer examinations)作為檢核,並與指導教授討論,共同確認所有主題階層、類別、關係及概念化之適宜性。研究結果發現中學體育代理/代課教師:(1)為了增進專業能力和加薪晉級而就讀研究所,但過程中獲益導致改變了對在職進修的看法;(2)因三種不同的身分互相影響而產生了角色衝突;(3)採積極面對的方式看待角色衝突,並依據本身狀況採取適當的因應策略。結論:(1)在職進修可提升教師專業知能,有利於改善教學及提升教甄競爭力;(2)產生角色衝突最關鍵原因為「時間的限制」;(3)視角色衝突為自我成長的機會和挑戰,運用適當的因應策略能減輕角色衝突所產生的負面影響。建議:(1)教育行政機關應明確規定代理/代課教師從事學位進修之相關辦法;(2)針對不同背景之體育代理/代課教師或正式教師探討角色衝突實際情形。(3)採觀察法到校觀察,蒐集更豐富的資料。The purpose of this study was to examine the perspectives of physical education substitute teachers on in-serve training, and the role conflict its coping strategy during the training. The participants were four (2 males and 2 females)physical education substitute teachers from the high/junior high schools of Taipei selected through purposive sampling. The qualitative data of this case study were collected by in-depth interviews. The interview data were transcribed verbatim, categorized, coded, and interpreted by constant comparison method. The trustworthiness was ensured by using member checks and peer examinations. The appropriateness of topic levels, categories, relations, and conceptualizations were examined through discussion with the advisor. The results indicated that the substitute teachers: (1) The intention to attend in-service training was to improve the professional skills and salary raise. However, they changed their perspectives on in-service training after benefited from graduate studies. (2) Experienced role conflict owing to the three different interrelated roles. (3) Confront positively and to apply coping strategies according to their situations. Conclusions: (1) In-service training could improve teachers’ professional competencies, which advantageous to teaching and the competitiveness of screening examation for selected teachers. (2)The most critical cause for role conflict was inadequate time. (3) To view the role conflict as self-growth opportunities and challenges, and to apply coping strategy to alleviate the negative effect of role conflict. Suggestions: (1)The education administration authority should stipulate the related measures for the substitute teachers to engage in-serve training.(2) To examine the role conflict of physical education substitute teachers and physical education teachers with different backgrounds. (3) To apply observation method to collect rich data in school.在職進修角色衝突因應策略個案研究體育代理/代課教師In-service trainingrole conflictcoping strategycase studyphysical education substitute teacher「教」「學」相長?中學體育代理/代課教師在職進修角色衝突之個案研究