謝智謀Hsieh, Chih-Mou李協信Li, Sie-Sin2022-06-082021-06-082022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2ff83ada291f10225fa5ce3ec1905b67/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118553本研究藉由一所全新籌建公立實驗學校-自主實小自2015年至2018年間的創校歷程,採取個案研究法理解公立實驗學校前期的學校整體圖像、學校社會系統發展歷程,並以學校社會系統模式闡釋學校整體圖像發展歷程,研究結果如下:一、自主實小的行政相較於體制學校提供教師較高的支持彈性;在課程與教學方面,透過整體作息以及課程共備開發,建構出獨特的主題課程、每日體適能以及班群教學運作模式,成功引發學生高度學習動機、以專家角色沉浸在學習中;教師亦因班群教學模式,調整既有的教學習慣,重新學習團隊合作,雖面臨教學風格差異、班級經營方式不同、共同備課耗時及生活習慣不同所產生的困擾,卻也帶來教師間高度合作、互相學習、彼此專長增進課程設計豐富度等優點。二、自主實小自確定辦理實驗教育開始,即在實驗教育理念、課程與教學、行政運作與組織型態發展上,從公立體制學校出發,朝向實驗學校邁進,受到學校社會系統「結構系統:創新的規訓」、「個人系統:安穩的冒險」、「文化系統:部分的集體智慧」、「政治系統:歧異的核心價值」等四個系統發展變化關鍵要素的影響,開展出「在自主中擺盪的實驗教育理念」、「教師自主的課程觀」、「團隊合作的教學觀」、「啟迪自主的師培觀」、「保留彈性的環境觀」、「折衷自主的決策觀」等與一般體制學校不同的運作觀點,貼近種籽、華德福等實驗學校的運作觀點。並提出以下建議: 一、給自主實小的建議:系統性保持與體制學校、實驗學校之親師生交流,發揮「跨界學校」之價值;建構自主實小行政願景圖像及實施計畫,嘗試教師團治校或明定各處室及班群之職掌及權責範圍;透過有效師資進用及師資培訓進行主題課程及班群教學素養增能,提升目標一致性,增進教師歸屬感與效能感;持續交流對話,澄明實驗教育理念實踐樣貌,共同實踐教育願景,降低政治系統運作。 二、給教育主管機關的建議:嘗試以教師團治校模式,完整授權教師辦理公立實驗教育;提供實驗教育學校教師調動較高的彈性;因應實驗教育推動,主動進行配套措施法制化 三、給公立學校的建議:以「印地安發言棒」、資訊即時流通等正向模式降低校內政治系統運作,形塑校園平等互惠、論辯求真的組織文化;校長角色的自我認知與團隊帶領能力增能;全校共同參訪備課,以拉近彼此教育視野。This study examines the founding of a new public experimental school (Self-Regulated Learning Experimental Elementary School) from 2015 to 2018, and adopts a case study approach to understand the development of the overall school picture and school social systems in the early years of the public experimental school, and uses the social-system model for schools to explain the development of the overallschool picture. The findings of the study are as follows:1.The administration of Self-Regulated Learning Experimental Elementary School provides teachers with a higher degree of flexibility in support than that of the institutional school. In terms of curriculum and teaching, through the collaborative lesson and daily routine planning, Self-Regulated Learning Experimental Elementary School has developed a unique thematic curriculum, daily physical fitness and class group teaching model, which has successfully triggered a high level of student motivation and immersion in learning in an expert role. Teachers have also adapted their teaching habits and re-learned teamwork as a result of the class group teaching model. Despite the difficulties arising from differences in teaching styles, different classroom managements, time-consuming collaborative lesson preparation and different living habits, Self-Regulated Learning Experimental Elementary School also brings the advantages of a high degree of cooperation among teachers, mutual learning and mutual expertise to enhance the richness of curriculum design.2.Since the establishment of the experimental education, Self-Regulated Learning Experimental Elementary School has been moving towards an experimental school in terms of the development of experimental education concepts, curriculum and instruction, administrative operation, organization type, starting from the public school system. Influenced by four key elements of the school social system:"structural system: innovative discipline", "individual system: stable adventure", "cultural system: partial collective wisdom" and "political system: divergent core values", Self-Regulated Learning Experimental Elementary School has developed operational perspectives of " the education concepts oscillating in autonomy", "teacher autonomy in curriculum", "teamwork in teaching", "inspirational autonomy in teacher training", "retaining a flexible environment" and "eclectic autonomy in decision-making", which are different from the ordinary institutional schools. This is close to the operational perspectives of experimental schools such as Seedling Experimental Elementary School and the Waldorf Schools. The following recommendations are made in this study: 1.Suggestions for Self-Regulated Learning Experimental Elementary School: The school should systematically maintain the communication among teachers, students, and parents with institutional and experimental schools to bring out the value of "cross-schooling". An administrative vision and implementation plan should be developed for the school, and a teacher-run school model should be tried out, or the roles and responsibilities of different departments and class groups should be clarified. Effective teacher deployment and training should be used to enhance the teaching quality of thematic curricula and class groups, to improve the consistency of objectives, and to increase teachers' sense of belonging and effectiveness. Continuous dialogue should be held to clarify the practical aspects of the experimental education concepts, to jointly realize the educational vision and to reduce the operation of the political system.2.Suggestions for education authorities: A teacher-run school model should be attempted, with teachers fully empowered to handle public experimental education. A higher degree of flexibility should be provided for the transfer of teachers to experimental education schools. The legalization of supporting measures should be initiated in response to the promotion of experimental education.3.Suggestions for public schools: A positive model, such as the"Indian Speaker's Baton" and the "real-time flow of information", should be used to reduce the operation of the school political system and create an organizational culture of equality and reciprocity and truthful debate on campus. The role of the headmaster should be strengthened in terms of self-awareness and team leadership. The whole school should be allowed to visit and prepare lessons together, so as to bring the educational vision of each other closer.公立實驗教育另類學校另類教育開放系統理論實驗學校發展歷程public experimental educationalternative schoolsalternative educationopen system theorydevelopment of the experimental school一所公立實驗學校前期發展歷程個案研究A Case Study of the Development of a Public Experimental School in Taiwan學術論文