林俊宏李錦年楊智傑呂柏緯陳世煌呂光洋方剛2014-10-272014-10-271999-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/7027遷移能力低的篩疣類棲網蜘蛛雖然在臺灣處處可見,但臺灣地形受到高山與短促河流分割,造成地形阻隔,可能因此產生族群遺傳結構的變化。本文使用隨機多型性放大(Random amplification of polymorphism determination; RAPD)方式,以不同的隨機引子放大DNA模板之後,分析分佈於臺灣北、中、南及東部的棲網蜘蛛,對各地族群的基因結構作探討。結果顯示臺灣棲綱蜘蛛可分兩個群組,分別為北部及中部群組與東部及南部群組,初步結果也顯示棲網蜘蛛的族群遺傳結構與地理隔離相關。這種變化是否是因為地理隔離產生或是本島棲網蜘蛛來自不同的祖先,因地緣阻絕隔離而產生分化,仍然需要更多的相關研究以證實。RAPD analyses were performed to eight different populations of Taiwanese psechrid spiders to determine their genetic relationships. An overall of sixteen primers giving rise to 174 polymorphic bands were used to examine nucleotide similarities and an UPGMA tree was constructed from the data obtained. The results showed that the population of psechrid spiders in Taiwan can be grouped into several clusters that have a high level of genetic heterogeneity. Samples collected from northern and central Taiwan can be paired with those from southern and eastern sectors of the island that indicates genetic variation among the populations studied because of geological separation. More in-depth investigation is needed before a more clear picture on the genetic structure of psechrid spiders in Taiwan be finely understood.隨機多型性放大褸網蜘蛛RAPDPsechrid spiders臺灣產褸網蜘蛛分子遺傳結構之分析RAPD-Estimated Genetic Relationship of Psechrid Spiders (Araneae: Psechrus) in Taiwan