陳政友Chen, Cheng-yu蔣葳Chiang Wei2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060005028E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87837本研究以橫斷式調查研究法,探討台北市某市立國中學生其近視防治行為及相關因素。以102學年度第二學期就讀台北市某市立國中全體學生為研究對象,共375名學生為樣本。利用自編結構式問卷進行資料收集,最後得有效問卷361份,有效回收率達96.3%。本研究的重要結果如下: 一、研究對象的近視防治知識屬於中上程度。研究對象在自覺近視(或高度近視)罹患性與自覺近視防治障礙性皆偏向中間程度;自覺近視(或高度近視)嚴重性與自覺近視防治有效性則偏向中上程度。近視防治行動線索多來自醫護人員。研究對象的近視防治自我效能與近視防治行為屬中上程度,其中約八成的人無法經常做到在近距離用眼30分鐘就望遠休息10分鐘,亟待改善。 二、研究對象自覺近視(或高度近視)罹患性、自覺近視防治障礙性會因背景變項中的「是否視力不良」、「配戴眼鏡與否」的不同水準而有顯著差異;而自覺近視(或高度近視)嚴重性則會因背景變項中「學業總成績」的不同水準而有顯著差異。另外,研究對象之近視防治行動線索會因「年級」與「配戴眼鏡與否」的不同水準而有顯著差異;而近視防治自我效能則會因「性別」不同而有顯著差異。 三、以研究對象的背景變項、近視防治健康信念、近視防治行動線索與近視防治自我效能能夠有效預測近視防治行為,並可解釋其總變異量的42.9%,其中以「自覺近視防治有效性」、「近視防治行動線索」與「近視防治自我效能」為主要預測變項。 本研究依結論提出對未來教育行政單位之建議與改進方針,以改善國中生之近視防治的工作。The main purpose of this study was to explore myopia prevention behavior and It’s related factors among the junior high school students in Taipei City, by cross-sectional survey. Using the principles of purposeful sampling, we have selected 7th to 9th graders from one junior high school as the population in this research. These students were studied during the second semester of 2013. There were 375 samples in this study. Using a self-designed structured questionnaire, and 361 validated questionnaires were retrieved, which is 96.3% of the total questionnaires. The key points are summarized as follows: 1. The average myopia prevention knowledge score was 70%, which is in the average. The perceived myopia(or high myopia) susceptibility and myopia prevention behaviors barriers of subjects are in the average. The perceived myopia(or high myopia) severity and myopia prevention behaviors effectiveness of subjects are above the average. The cues to myopia prevention action are mainly provided by medical personnel. The self-efficacy on myopia prevention behaviors and the behaviors of myopia prevention are above the average. However, there are 80% of students failed to rest their eyes for 10 minutes after 30 minutes of usage, which needs to be improved. 2. The perceived myopia(or high myopia) susceptibility and myopia prevention behaviors barriers of subjects have significant difference if students are myopic or if they do wear glasses. The perceived myopia(or high myopia) severity has significant difference with grade. In addition, the cues to myopia prevention action have significant difference with age or if students do wear glasses. Finally, the self-efficacy on myopia prevention behaviors has significant difference with gender. 3. The background variables, health belief of the myopia prevention behaviors, the cues to myopia prevention action, and the self-efficacy on myopia prevention behaviors found in the study can effectively predict the myopia prevention behaviors among the students, and explained 42.9% of the total variance. The main predictive variables of myopia prevention behavior are myopia prevention behaviors effectiveness of subjects, the cues to myopia prevention action, and the self-efficacy on myopia prevention behaviors.國中生近視防治行為健康信念模式自我效能junior high school studentsmyopia prevention behaviorshealth belief modelself-efficacy國中生近視防治行為及相關因素研究---以台北市某市立國中學生為例Study on the Myopia Prevention Behavior and It’s Related Factors among the Junior High School Students in Taipei City