國立臺灣師範大學體育學系葉公鼎鄭志富評2016-08-042016-08-041997-09-011024-7297http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79478由於科技之日益發達,使人際溝通距離縮短並提昇國際交流的效率,許多大型運動 賽會因而更引人注目,然而亦相對提高其營運成本。許多賽會主辦單位在籌辦活動之際亦想了 解這些活動為其帶來之經濟利益,因而使經濟影響(economic impact)評估方法日益受到賽 會主辦單位之重視。 本文作者以經濟影響評估之理論為基礎,以內容分析之研究方法探討運動賽會有關之各類研 究報告,藉以推衍出一個12步驟之運動賽會經濟影響之評估模式,分別為:(一)選擇賽會項 目;(二)界定影響時間;(三)界定影響地區;(四)建立評估架構;(五)設計資料蒐集策略;(六) 研擬資料蒐集工具;(七)選定樣本;(八)選定欲調查的項目;(九)決定乘數;(十)調查影響結 果;(十一)決定流失率;(十二)計算實際經濟影響值。Because of the development of new technology, the pace of interaction among people and nations are improved. Therefore, more and more people pay attention to the big international sporting events. However, the costs of hosting big events increase day by day. It is necessary for the organizers to understand the benefits that the event can bring to the hosting areas. Under this circumstance, the economic impact analysis method becomes important. The researcher of this study tried to adopted the economic impact theory and content analysis method to review the sporting event economic impact studies, finally, a 12-step sporting event economic impact analysis model was developed, including: 1. Event selection, 2. Impact duration definition, 3. Impact region definition, 4. Evaluation framework establishment, 5. Data collection design, 6. Data collection strategy development, 7. Subject selection, 8. Investigating items selection, 9. Multiplier selection, 10. Impact investigation, 11. Leakage finding, 12. Real impact calculation.運動賽會經濟影響Sporting eventEconomic impact運動賽會經濟影響之評估模式The Model of Economic Impact Study on Sporting Events