林世華謝哲仁2019-08-282005-4-252019-08-281998http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000165%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85794本研究旨在探討週休二日對國中學生休閒認知與態度之影響。主要的研究目的為:一、瞭解當前台北縣市國中學生的休閒活動項目為何。二、瞭解當前台北縣市國中學生休閒認知、休閒態度與休閒行為之關係為何。三、瞭解當前台北縣市國中學生休閒認知與休閒態度對休閒行為是否有預測性存在。四、比較實施週休二日制前後,台北縣市國中學生休閒認知、休閒態度之差異性。五、綜合研究結果以提出結論與建議,做為休閒教育政策之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集工作,以「國中學生休閒認知和態度調查研究問卷」為研究工具,並以台北縣市國中學生為施測對象,獲得有效問卷1214份。而由問卷所蒐集到之資料分別皮爾遜積差相關及多元迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料分析,亦使用t考驗比較林東泰(民82)所蒐集的資料與本研究所獲之資料。 研究結果獲得下列幾點重要發現: 一、 本研究結果比較週休二日前研究發現,學生休閒活動項目不論在平時或假日幾乎沒有改變,國中學生休閒活動仍有窄化的情形,而學生對住家附近休閒場所數量的滿意程度及住家附近休閒設施和場所的品質則有提高的現象。 二、 學生當前的休閒認知、休閒態度與休閒行為均是趨向積極、正面的,而休閒認知、休閒態度與休閒行為之相關程度均呈正相關且皆達顯著水準。 三、在預測變項(休閒認知、休閒態度)當中,休閒認知較能有效預測休閒行為,並且以女生或二年級學生的預測程度較佳。 四、週休二日後,學生休閒認知、休閒態度(休閒態度量表又細分為休閒需求,休閒投入和休閒體驗等三個分量表)平均數較週休二日前均有提高,但無顯著差異存在,唯有在休閒需求平均數較週休二日前顯著下降,顯見週休二日實施後,學生有較充分的休閒時間或休閒設施等因素,可能使他們的休閒需求上獲得滿足,而在量表上呈現下降的現象。 根據上述研究發現與研究心得,本研究提出下列幾項建議: 一、透過各項親職教育活動,加強家庭休閒教育素質。 二、增進學校休閒教育功能: 1.應加強休閒認知的教學 2.提升休閒教育師資水準與加強教師在職進修 3.加強學校休閒宣導,提供學生休閒諮詢與輔導 三、 社會教育方面,應善用傳播媒體,從事休閒教育宣導工作,以彌補家庭及學校休閒教育功效之不足。The purposes of this study were: (1) to find the items of the current students’ leisure activities, (2) to detect the relationship among the students’ leisure cognitions, leisure attitudes, leisure behaviors, (3) to detect the predictive effect of the students’ leisure cognitions and attitudes towards their leisure behaviors, (4) to detect the variation of the students’ leisure cognitions and attitudes after the two-day weekend program took effect, (5) to summarize results used as a reference for leisure education policy. The sample consisted of 1214 subjects selected from the junior high school students in Taipei City and County. The instrument adopted for this study was “ The junior high school students’ leisure cognitions and attitudes” questionnaire. The data collected from target samples were analyzed by t test, regression analysis, Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The major findings of this study are stated as follows: 1.There aren’t any significant changes found in the students’ leisure activity items during weekdays or weekends. Junior high school students tend to narrow down the leisure activities as before. 2.The students’ current leisure cognitions, attitudes and behaviors tend to be active and positive. There are obvious positive relationship among leisure cognitions, attitudes and behaviors. 3.Leisure cognitions can more effectively predict leisure behaviors, especially for girls or second-year junior high school students. 4.After the two-day weekend program took effect, the means of the students’ leisure cognitions and leisure attitudes (including leisure involvement and leisure experience) rise, but there is no obvious difference. However, the mean of leisure needs noticeably drops, which obviously results from more leisure time and recreation facilities available to the students.國中學生休閒認知週休二日台北縣市國中學生休閒認知、態度與行為之調查研究-暨週休二日對台北縣市國中學生休閒認知與態度之影響研究