陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen葉庭均Yeh, Ting-Chun2022-06-082021-02-182022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/fd98701b9397dd03fc56bb0889875e2c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118312本研究旨在探討圖書館編目館員需具備的RDA知能,並透過RDA相關概念、RDA理論概念及RDA編目實行三個知能面向,來探討國內圖書館編目館員的RDA知能現況。本研究首先使用文獻分析法,建構編目館員需具備的RDA知能,再採用問卷調查法,以國家圖書館、大專校院圖書館及公共圖書館之編目館員為研究對象,問卷發放期間為2019年9月18日至2019年10月31日,共回收122份有效問卷。 根據研究結果可以歸納以下結論:(一)圖書館編目館員需具備的RDA知能,共分為三大面向-RDA相關概念認知、RDA理論概念認知及RDA編目實行認知,共31項知能。(二)國內圖書館編目館員對RDA相關概念認知程度偏低,對RDA理論概念及RDA編目實行認知程度皆屬於中等。(三)參與過RDA相關活動及工作單位已使用RDA的編目館員,對於RDA理論概念與RDA編目實行認知面向,皆有顯著差異。This study aims to explore RDA competences that needed for cataloging librarians, and the current situation of internal cataloging librarians through related concepts of RDA, RDA theory and RDA cataloging. This study adopted literature analysis to develop RDA competences, and questionnaire survey method, cataloging librarians who work at the national library, public libraries or college libraries as research objects. A total of 122 valid questionnaire responses were collected from September 18, 2019 to October 31, 2019. This study can summarize the following results: (1) RDA competences that needed for cataloging librarians include three aspects: related concepts of RDA, RDA theory and RDA cataloging, which total 31 items. (2) Internal cataloging librarians’ level of related concepts of RDA is low, and level of RDA theory and RDA cataloging is middle. (3) There are significant differences among cataloging librarians who have participated RDA activities or their libraries have already use the RDA.RDARDA知能編目館員編目館員知能RDARDA competencescataloging librarianscompetences of cataloging librarians臺灣編目館員的RDA知能探討A Study on RDA Competences of Taiwanese Cataloging Librarians學術論文