游進年博士黃桐良2019-08-282007-7-252019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593003002%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89867摘 要 本研究旨在針對臺北市國民中學之行政管理進行個案研究,從中瞭解行政管理所蘊藏問題的分析及其因應策略,並能讓這些問題獲得解決。 本研究採取質性研究法,以一所國民中學為個案進行研究,藉由文件分析法,匯集個案學校相關檔案,掌握豐富有效文件資料,藉以探討分析學校的發展脈絡,從觀察法與訪談法,觀察、記錄事實,可以從中獲得廣泛的校園資訊,並能發現與診斷個案學校行政管理模式,經過資料分析與討論,結合個人省思從中所獲得的啟示,以提出結論與建議。本研究的結論如下: 一、營造校園成為學習型的組織。 二、e化管理與創新管理提升行政效率。 三、有效溝通凝聚向心力。 四、經費有限是普遍現象。 五、教師兼任行政工作意願低。 六、教師參加研習意願低。 七、教師自我省思少。 八、各處室仍然存在本位主義。 九、對行政人員獎勵少。 本研究對個案學校校長的建議如下: 一、多鼓勵行政同仁表達意見。 二、避免權威下的決定。 三、增加實質獎勵措施。 本研究對個案學校行政人員的建議。 一、行政人員應勇於公開場合陳述看法。 二、行政人員應製作標準作業流程圖。 三、鼓勵行政人員參加進修研習。 四、激發行政人員不斷創新。 五、鼓勵行政人員參加員工聯誼活動,紓解工作壓力。Abstract The research is aimed to conduct a case study of one junior high school in Taipei based on the school’s administration management in order to unveil its problems and analyze them so as to provide with strategies to solve them. The method of this research is qualitative research, done by the case study of one junior high school in Taipei. Firstly, collect the correlative files of the case study school, so the documents are abundant enough for analyzing and learning the developmental context of the school. Secondly, by observing and interviewing, note down the facts about the school and then gain comprehensive information about the campus in order to figure out and diagnose the patterns of administration management the school uses. Through the data collected and analyzed from the above school files and documents, and the personal inspiration by my self-reflection, the following conclusions and suggestions are then proposed. The conclusions of this study are as follows: i. Operate and manage the campus to be a learning organization. ii. Increase administration efficiency by e-management and innovative management. iii. Effective communicate more to build staff’s sense of belonging to school. iv. It is common that the budget is limited. v. Few of the teachers would like to serve in the administration departments. vi. Teachers are not usually active in attending seminars vii. Teachers seldom do self-reflection on their jobs. viii. Departmental egoism exists. ix. Incentives given to administration staff are few. The following suggestions are for the principal of the case study: i. Encourage the administration staff to express their thoughts more often than before. ii. Avoid decisions made by exercising one’s authority. iii. Increase practical measures to reward the administration staff. The suggestions for the administration staff of the case study are as follows: i. Administration staff should be active in expressing their thoughts in public. ii. Administration staff should produce a standard operating procedure flowchart. iii. Administration staff should be encouraged to attend professional seminars. iv. Administration staff shouldbe inspired to be innovative. Administration staff should be encouraged to join the school’s social activities to release the work pressure.優質學校行政管理quality schooladministration臺北市國民中學行政管理之個案研究Case Study of Administration Management of Taipei Municipal Junior High Schools