葉國樑尤秀菁2019-08-282009-1-242019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595051101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87753本研究目的主要在了解台中縣立豐東國中學生之健康生活型態(飲食習慣、運動與休閒行為、吸菸與飲酒行為、心理壓力調適等),並探討其相關因素,以作為擬定教學計畫及學生健康促進之參考。本研究採問卷調查方式,以九十六學年度第二學期台中縣立豐東國中學生為母群體,經隨機抽樣,回收問卷共546份,有效問卷為501份,有效回收率為91.8%。 根據本研究目的所得研究結果如下: 一、研究對象的飲食習慣,表現較佳的是:每天攝取五穀根莖類、高蛋白質食物、每天吃早餐;表現不理想需改進的是常喝含糖飲料。運動與休閒行為方面,運動安全表現較好;表現不理想需改進的是:劇烈運動後需做緩和運動及養成規律運動的習慣;而從事休閒活動類型以「康樂型」為最多,如看電影、電視、聽音樂、玩電腦等;其次是「運動體能型」。休閒活動以「旁觀性活動」、「靜態休閒活動」為主的比率比以往研究結果更高,「運動體能型」比率更少。吸菸與飲酒行為比率有較以往研究結果下降,但第一次接觸時間更早,菸酒的主要來源以家人及朋友供應為多;吸菸的主要原因是好奇、想試試。心理壓力調適方面,藉由藥物、菸酒來紓解壓力放鬆情緒及用「自傷」來發洩情緒的行為,比率低於10%。而過去一年曾經想過要自殺者佔研究對象的23.0%,而曾經自殺者佔研究對象的4.4%;研究對象遇到情緒困擾時約有47.70%會尋求協助,尋求協助的對象依序為以同學、朋友比率最高,但很少尋求專家或輔導人員協助。 二、本研究探討社會人口學變項及健康教育教學狀況對健康生活型態的關係,結果發現:年級愈低、父母管教方式較民主、家庭氣氛愈融洽、父母關係愈良好、家庭社經地位愈高、學業成就愈好,其健康生活型態表現愈好;此外,健康教育教學的落實,也有利於學生建立健康生活型態。 三、本研究探討社會人口學變項及健康教育教學狀況對整體健康生活型態的預測,結果發現:「年級」、「家庭氣氛」、「學業成績」、「健康教育教學狀況」能有效預測健康生活型態。This study investigated the health-life-style (eating habits, exercise and leisure, alcohol-tobacco behavior, and stress management) of junior high school students for one school at Taichung county. The relations between health-life-style and social-demographic variables were also examined for the reference of designing teaching plan and improving students’ health. Questionnaires were distributed to the students of Feng Tung Junior High School in the second semester of the academic year in 2007. After random sampling, there were 501 effective questionnaires out of 546 questionnaires. In the scales of eating habit, students performed better in daily food and root-tuber crops, high-protein diet, and daily breakfast. What needs to be improved was drinking beverage containing sugar. As for the exercise and leisure aspect, they performed better in exercise safety, and undesirably in the need of relaxing exercise after severe workout and the cultivation of regular habit for exercising. The participants’ major leisure activities were mainly “leisure enjoyment” including watching movies, TV, listening to music, and using computer… Following the “leisure enjoyment” was “exercise-fitness”. Of the students’ leisure activities, the ratios of “observational activity” and “static recreation activity” were higher than previous studies. But the ratio was lower for “exercise-fitness”. Comparing to other studies, the ratio of alcohol-tobacco behavior had decreased. However, the time of their first contact of alcohol-tobacco for the students became earlier. The main sources were primarily from family and friends. The main reason for using Tobacco mostly was out of curiosity. In the stress management aspect, the ratio was under 10% for using drugs or alcohol to relief oneself and self-mutilation to release one’s emotion. Of the participants, 23% had the thought of committing suicide in the past year. And, 4.4% of them had actually committed suicide. 47.7% of them would seek for help when encounter emotional disturbance. The priority for seeking help was mainly schoolmates and then friends. They seldom ask for the assistance of experts or counselors. The relation between health-life-style social-demographic variables indicated the parenting style is more democratic, the family atmosphere is better, and relationship of mother and father is better as the grade of the students gets lower. Academic performance and health-life-style are higher when social-economic status gets higher. That is to say the realization of health education is beneficial in establishing a healthy life style of the students. Finally, It was also indicated that statistically “grade”, “family atmosphere”, “academic performance”, and the “status of health education” can effectively predict the health-life-style of the participants.國中生健康生活型態飲食習慣運動與休閒行為吸菸與飲酒行為心理壓力調適健康教育教學狀況台中縣某國中學生健康生活型態及其相關因素之研究