陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen巫文娟Wu, Wen-Chuan2019-08-282019-01-012019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003153119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88974本研究旨在瞭解閱讀投入與國語科、數學科、閱讀能力及數學能力的學習成效之相關情形,以閱讀動機、閱讀行為及閱讀策略作為投入的向度。並探討不同性別之學童在閱讀動機、閱讀行為及閱讀策略的差異情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市板橋區中山國小六年級學童為研究對象,共發放 140 份問卷,回收有效問卷 140 份。 研究結果發現: 一、中山國小六年級學童的閱讀投入,在整體或閱讀動機、閱讀策略、閱讀行為、閱讀時間各層面上,都顯現出良好的狀況。「閱讀動機」、「閱讀行為」與「閱讀策略」和整體閱讀投入的相關性來看,皆達顯著性相關,「動機」、「行為」、「策略」彼此之間都有顯著相關性。 二、研究發現,女生在整體閱讀投入或動機、策略、行為各層面之表現上多數高於男生,「閱讀策略」並達顯著差異,顯示女生的「閱讀策略」表現優於男生。 三、本研究發現,初步從皮爾森相關分析來看閱讀投入的三個層面,閱讀動機、閱讀策略、閱讀行為和國語、數學學習成效雖未達顯著性。但國語科、數學科的成績位於高分組學童,其閱讀表現,不論是在閱讀動機、閱讀行為、閱讀策略或閱讀時間,得分仍高於中分組、低分組。即良好的閱讀投入表現有助於國語、數學科目的學習,閱讀投入度高的學童仍能獲得較好的成績及學習成效。 四、從男女生的差異來看其關聯性,發現有良好閱讀動機、閱讀行為、閱讀策略的,多數為女生,因此女生的國語、數學學習成績、閱讀能力之「詞意理解、檢索訊息、詮釋整合、比較評估」及數學能力之「概念理解、程序執行、解題思考」都能有優於男生的成績表現。此結果應也能驗證「閱讀投入與學習成效有關聯」。 五、本研究結果發現,女生的國語、數學科學習成就顯著優於男生,在整體及分層面閱讀投入上的得分也顯著高於男生,由此推測女生由於有優於男生的閱讀投入表現,造就其國語及數學的學習成效亦優於男生。亦可驗證閱讀投入和學習成效存在相關性。 最後根據本研究之結果對學校、老師、家長、學生及未來後續研究等方面提出建議。The purpose of this thesis aims to study the influence of reading concentration on the learning of Mandarin , mathematics, and reading strategies. These skills are evaluated by the following three aspects:students’ reading motivations, reading behaviors and strategies. Meanwhile, gender differences are considered. Surveys are conducted by analyzing questionnaires from students in Zhongshan elementary school in Banchian, Taipei. 140 questionnaires were issued, and all of them are collected valid. The findings of this research are as follows: 1.Students in Zhongshan elementary school in Banchian, Taipei perform quite well in all reading aspects, including their reading concentration, motivation, strategies, behaviors and time, which illustrates that these factors are closed related. 2.This research indicates that most girls’ reading concentration and performance in reading motivations, strategies and behaviors are superior to most boys. Especially in the aspects of reading strategies, significant differences are revealed, which shows that girls’ have more skillful reading strategies. 3.This research reveals that while the three reading aspects are not absolutely influence students’ Mandarin and Math learning effects, they are still associated to some degrees. kids above average in Mandarin and Math scores have higher learning motivations, and better reading behaviors and strategies, and spend more time than average and under-average kids. The results demonstrates that good reading concentrations contributes to the learning of Mandarin of Math. The more kids concentrate on their reading, the higher grades and learning effects they have. 4.Considering the factors of gender differences, the survey shows that those who perform well in reading motivations, behaviors, and strategies are mostly females. Thus, female students show superior abilities in their Mandarin abilities including words comprehension, interpretations, integration and comparative assessment ; and their Math abilities, including concept comprehension, process execution, and problem-solving thinking. This survey indicates that reading concentration and learning effects are closely related. 5.This study shows that girls ‘ Mandarin and Math learning achievements are much superior to boys. The results are also demonstrated in the aspects of whole and different levels reading . Therefore, it can be concluded that girls’ better concentration on reading lead to girls’ superior Mandarin and Math learning effects. It can also be proved that reading concentration is related to learning effects. At last, the result of this research will provide suggestions for schools’ , teachers’ parents’ and teachers’ further studies.閱讀投入閱讀動機閱讀行為閱讀策略學習成效reading engagementreading motivationreading behaviorreading strategieslearning Achievement閱讀投入與學習成效關聯之研究A Study of the Correlation between Reading Engagement with Learning Achievement