晏涵文林燕卿白瑞聰2014-10-272014-10-271998-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18071本研究的目的在評估中等學校教師接受一週三十三小時的性教育在職進修後,對 其性知識、性態度、性教育專業角色及性教育推廣工作之成效。研究採『不相等實驗組--控 制組前後測實驗設計』,以高雄地區之國、高中教師為母群體,由高雄教師研習中心發函區 內各中等學校,請未曾參加過性教育研習之教師報名參與,共得46位教師為實驗組,並以同 時間參加高雄教師研習中心輔導工作坊之43位教師為對照組,實驗組於在職進修訓練開始及 結束時,以自製之問卷進行前測與後測,並於後測的同時以自製之評量表進行教學活動評量 ,而在同一時間對照組亦實施前測與後測。結果發現:在控制兩組之前測差異後,不論在性 知識得分、性態度得分、性教育專業角色能力得分或性教育推廣工作意向之得分上的增進, 實驗組皆顯著高於對照組,顯見此一性教育在職進修訓練對於提昇教師性知識、性態度、性 教育專業角色能力及推廣性教育工作上確有其效能,且絕大多數的實驗組教師對此次之在職 進修訓練活動,不論是在課程主題之滿意程度、課程內容之深淺程度、課程之時數安排、課 程收穫之程度或教學方法,乃至於整體感覺,皆給予正面之評價。The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efeect of a 33-hour sexuality education in-service training for high school teachers. The spectific objectives were to improve their sex knowlegde, attitude, role behaviors as a sex educator, and efficacy to expand sexuality education. This study utilized the nonequivalent experiment control group design. In the Koashung city, all junior and senior high school teachers who had never took part in any sexuality education training were invited to join this in-service training. Forty six responded and then served as participants in the experimental group. Forty-three other teachers participated in a counseling workship were recruited as the control group. Both the experimental and control group filled out a questionnaire before and after the intervention. Results indicated that using the pre-test scores as control, the experimental group still did better on the four objective than the control group. It as concluded that sexuality education in-service training used in the study was effective in improving high school teachers' sex knowledge, role behaviors as a sex educator, and intention to sexuality education. In addition, most participants in the experimental group rated positively toward the inservice training.性教育性知識性態度性教育專業角色Sexuality educationSex knowledgeSex attitadeRole behaviors中等學校教師性教育在職進修效果研究The Effect of On-Job Training for Sexuality Education for High School Teachers