康培德Kang, Peter吳岳修Wu, Yueh-Hsiu2024-12-172024-08-072024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/748cab58a7cc233c0a374ecd70f77d1f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122999二二八事件在長期的威權統治之下,屬於禁忌的話題。直到1987年解嚴前後,社會氛圍逐漸開放,許多有志之士挺身為二二八事件平反,取得許多成果。在這之中,台南市的受難者湯德章得到的關注之大,特別引人注目。從1987年至2024年,相關紀念已經累計有以下的形式:出版品、電影、紀念公園、塑像、紀念日、故居暨紀念館、導覽路線、紀念道路。  湯德章的紀念大抵發生在「台南市」這個行政區內,具有相當程度的在地性,也跟市政府的施政息息相關。因此本研究挑選其中的「紀念公園與塑像」、「故居與紀念館」、「紀念日與街道」為研究對象,時間範圍涵蓋1987年至2024年。運用台南市政府、台南市議會等單位的資料,嘗試分析這些紀念形式的緣起、過程及彼此之間的關聯性,不同行動者之間的互動關係,進而理解湯德章受到紀念的原因及意義。  本研究發現,台南市繼二二八紀念碑之後,1998年特別為湯德章設置紀念公園和塑像,象徵湯德章在台南市民記憶中的重要性。2012年的故居遭遇拆除危機能夠及時反應,歸功於在地文史工作者對湯德章歷史的長期關注。湯德章的紀念自故居保存後逐漸發酵,在2020年群眾募資的時候達到高峰,最後形成集眾多紀念形式於一身的情況。  這些紀念或移除之所以順利推行,除了民間對於在地文史、轉型正義的關注,也有賴於市議會、市政府的支持,制定相關法源依據才得以實現。然而,本研究也觀察到台南市政府在一些嚴肅議題上的妥協或迴避行為,例如:以「正義與勇氣」而不以「湯德章」來命名紀念日、在孫文銅像被民間團體拉倒後的湯德章紀念公園設置公共藝術、中正路更名湯德章大道遲遲未有成果。  本研究認為,湯德章身為台日混血兒,經歷日本殖民與戰後二二八事件,他所承載的歷史、他的選擇和遭遇,激起許多人為台灣奮鬥的能量。湯德章的紀念形式漸漸豐富,顯示二二八事件與湯德章的歷史,被用以否定威權統治以及犯下這些歷史過錯的中國國民黨和中華民國,也有人用以抵抗中華人民共和國的文攻武嚇。湯德章的英雄、烈士形象,不光來自於二二八事件時的事蹟,包含他的律師這一身分,也跟維護正義、民主、人權、自由等正向價值連繫在一起。因此紀念湯德章除了能夠反省、批判過往的不義,更有正向的意義存在。The 228 Incident was a taboo subject under long-term authoritarian rule. It was not until around the lifting of martial law in 1987 that the social atmosphere gradually opened up, allowing many dedicated individuals to seek justice for the 228 Incident, achieving significant results. Among these, the attention given to Tainan victim Tang Te-chang was particularly noteworthy. From 1987 to 2024, commemorations have taken various forms including publications, films, memorial park, statue, memorial day, former residence and museum, guided tour, and memorial road.  Tang Te-chang's memorials are mainly located within the administrative district of Tainan City, reflecting a strong locality and a close connection with the city government's policies. Therefore, this study focuses on "memorial park and statue," " former residence and museum," and "memorial day and street," covering the period from 1987 to 2024. Utilizing data from the Tainan City Government and Tainan City Council, this research analyzes the origins, processes, and interconnections of these commemorative forms. It also examines the interactions between different actors to understand the reasons and significance behind commemorating Tang Te-chang.  This study found that after the 228 Memorial in Tainan City, a special memorial park and statue were established for Tang Te-chang in 1998, symbolizing his importance in the memory of Tainan residents. The timely response to the demolition crisis of his former residence in 2012 was thanks to the long-term attention of local cultural and historical workers to Tang Te-chang's history. The commemoration of Tang Te-chang gradually fermented after the preservation of his former residence, reaching a peak during the crowdfunding in 2020, eventually resulting in a variety of memorial forms.   The smooth implementation of these commemorations or removals was not only due to the public's concern for local culture and history and transitional justice but also relied on the support of the city council and city government, which formulated relevant legal bases. However, this study also observed the Tainan city government's compromises or avoidance of some serious issues, such as naming the memorial day "Justice and Courage" instead of "Tang Te-chang," setting up public art in Tang Te-chang Memorial Park after Sun Yat-sen's statue was damaged, and the delayed renaming of Zhongzheng Road to Tang Te-chang boulevard.   This study believes that as a Taiwanese-Japanese mixed-race individual who experienced Japanese colonial rule and the post-war 228 Incident, Tang Te-chang's history, choices, and experiences have inspired many to fight for Taiwan. The increasingly rich forms of commemoration for Tang Te-chang indicate that the 228 Incident and his history are used to reject authoritarian rule and the Kuomintang and the Republic of China, which committed these historical wrongs, as well as to resist the cultural and military intimidation of the People's Republic of China. Tang Te-chang's image as a hero and martyr not only stems from his deeds during the 228 Incident but also connects his role as a lawyer to the values of justice, democracy, human rights, and freedom. Therefore, commemorating Tang Te-chang allows for reflection and criticism of past injustices while also holding positive significance.二二八事件湯德章湯德章紀念公園湯德章故居正義與勇氣湯德章大道The 228 IncidentTang Te-changTang Te-chang Memorial ParkTang Te-chang's Former ResidenceJustice and CourageTang Te-chang Boulevard湯德章的紀念歷史(1987-2024)The Commemoration History of Tang Te-Chang (1987-2024)學術論文