張建成柯雅華2019-08-282006-2-202019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069100007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89443【中文摘要】 流行文化蘊含重要的社會意義,是人類文化實踐的體現,其中流行音樂與青少年閱聽人生活息息相關,而本研究即透過探討青少年與流行音樂的互動關係,瞭解青少年的生活世界及流行文化所顯現的意義,並分析階級及性別結構因素對青少年流行音樂消費與生產所產生的影響。本研究採質的研究法,主要運用問卷、訪談、觀察以蒐集資料,研究對象為台北市自由高中(化名)二年級男生班與女生班學生,而透過研究發現與綜合討論,分析異同之處,提出主要差異在於: 一、較高階級青少年能從「音樂角度」精細分析。 二、流行音樂是較高階級活動的「附屬品」,但中下層階級普遍接受,其中女性較男性更能接受流行音樂。 三、較高階級青少年接觸須「刻意尋找」,中下層階級則是「自然接觸」。 四、較高階級青少年購買流行音樂傾向「典藏價值」,中下階級則是「經濟考量」,然中下階級女性樂迷有較多購買現象。 五、較高階級青少年偏向「輕柔曲風」,中下階級青少年則偏向「重節奏」,但並非全然對立甚至有變動的現象。 六、中下階級女性於流行音樂文本選擇時,受到性別刻板印象的壓力較大於中下階級男性。 七、女性受訪者較會宣示自己所喜愛的流行音樂,男性受訪者較不會生產此種宣示。 八、較高階級青少年較少改編流行音樂文本,中下階級青少年則會娛樂式地改編流行音樂歌詞。 九、較高階級青少年較少因流行音樂而學習樂器,而中下階級女性樂迷有較多學習樂器、學習語言的現象,並以自學為主。 最後,針對本研究面臨的限制及未來研究可行方向提出相關建議,供後續研究者參酌。 關鍵詞:流行音樂、青少年、性別、階級、文化消費與生產【Abstract】 Popular culture contains important social meanings and embodies the culture practices. Particularly, pop music among popular culture connects intensively with the teenager audience. This research probed into the dialectical relation between teenagers and pop music in order to comprehend the life world of teenagers and the content of popular culture. Furthermore, to analyze the influences of class and gender on the consumption and production of teenagers' pop music. This research mainly adopted the qualitative methodology to collect required materials, and the investigating methods included questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The subjects are two classes of students(one female class and the other male class)within the second grade classes in Taipei Liberty Senior High School (assumed name ). Based on the collected data and the data analysis, the major findings are as followed: 1. The teenagers of upper class can appreciate the music meticulously from the point of view of music theory. 2. The teenagers of upper class tread pop music as only 〝the accessory〞of their activities. However, those of lower class generally accept it; females among them can accept the pop music more than males. 3. The teenagers of upper class tend to access the pop music 〝sedulously〞. However, those of lower class tend to access the pop music 〝naturally〞 4. To the teenagers of upper class, the motivation of consuming the pop music is inclined to be 〝the value of collection〞. However, that of lower class is basically 〝economical consideration〞, and the amount of consumption created by the lower class females is more than that by the lower class males. 5. As to the tune of pop music, teenagers of upper class would like to choose 〝soft〞tune, but the choice of lower class teenagers leaned toward〝heavy〞one. However, the phenomenon of opposition isn’t absolutely stagnated and even changed sometimes. 6. As to the choice of music texts, the lower class females have relatively fewer choices than the lower class males owing to the pressure of gender stereotypes. 7. The females interviewed tend to be more willing to declare their fondness for pop music than males. 8. The teenagers of upper class are less likely to revise the text of pop music than those of lower class. Contrarily, the teenagers of lower class tend to amuse themselves by revising the text of pop music. 9. To the teenagers of upper class, learning to play musical instruments are less likely to be owing to the pop music than those of lower class. However, it is found that the lower class females are more likely to learn to play musical instruments and foreign language as a result of the pop music, mainly by teaching themselves. Finally, the limitation of this research and suggestions for future studies are proposed. Keyword: pop music, teenagers, gender, class, cultural consumption and production流行音樂青少年性別階級文化消費與生產pop musicteenagersgenderclasscultural consumption and production高中階段青少年流行音樂的階級與性別差異-文化消費與生產之分析