許殷宏Hsu, Yin-Hung宋佳玲Sung, Chia-Ling2019-08-282022-01-272019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060300018E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89656在過去青少年與學生文化的教育研究中,女性經常在整體脈絡中缺席,或是被視為是順帶一提的角色;在過去有關學生抗拒的研究亦大多以階級作為主要分析面相,以性別為分析重點的研究是少之又少。然而,男女學生身處在不同的社會結構位置,所面臨到的問題也會有所不同;故本研究旨在探究國中女學生在學校展現抗拒行為之背後因素,以及分析這樣的抗拒文化與其性別角色之關係。研究中透過四位國中女學生的觀點,讓她們自己發聲,以了解國中女學生是如何解讀自己的生活世界的?她們為什麼要抗拒學習?藉由女學生生活經驗的抽絲剝繭來探究國中女學生抗拒文化背後所隱藏的集體意識。本研究採取質性研究的途徑,以訪談作為主要資料搜集方法,並輔以教室參與觀察與文件分析。本研究五個主要結論如下: 一、國中女學生的抗拒對象多元且複雜,學校成為展現抗拒的集結地。 二、師長的標籤行為催化國中女學生洞悉霸權的存在。 三、國中女學生的抗拒多為隱性且溫和,並依情境呈現不同型態。 四、國中女學生雖抗拒學校升學目標,卻仍走上升學之路。 五、國中女學生的抗拒與順從是動態的,會隨內外在條件不斷游移。In the past educational research on the culture of teenagers and students, women were often absent in the overall context or were regarded as the role of the same. Most of the studies on student resistance were based on class as the main analytical facet, and there were few studies focusing on gender analysis. However, the problems faced by male and female students in different social structures will vary, and the purpose of this study is to explore the factors behind the expression of resistance by female students in schools and to analyze the relationship between such resistance culture and their gender roles. Through the views of four female students in junior high school, the study allowed them to speak out in order to understand how female students interpret their own world of life. Why should they resist learning? Through the views of female students' life experience, we can explore the collective consciousness hidden behind the culture of female students in the school. This study takes the qualitative research approach, takes the interview as the main data collection method, supplemented by the classroom participation Observation and the document analysis. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1.The resistance of female students in junior high school is plural and complex, and the school is also where the resistance takes place. 2.The labeling from teachers catalyzes the female students' insight into the existence of hegemony 3.The resistance of female students is mostly recessive and mild, and different patterns are presented according to the situation. 4.Although female students resist the goal of school education, they still embark on the road of further education 5.Female students’ resistance and obedience are dynamic and keep changing on both inside and outside conditions.抗拒學生文化國中女學生resistancestudent culturefemale student我不壞,是你不懂why-國中女學生的抗拒文化I'm not that “bad” as you thought: The resistance culture of schoolgirls in a junior high school