Lisa Zhao2014-10-272014-10-272013-04-??為保障公民權利,增加社會的凝聚力,使社會穩定有序,需要建立一系列有效的法律規定。一般說來,能夠得到廣大公民的認同,符合實際需要,得以順利執行的法律,是有效的法律。本文以美國25 個州的法律中對建立和管理公共圖書館的規定為實例,從以下幾個方面探討有效法律在建立和管理圖書館方面的內容:對公民/納稅人在參與建立和管理公共圖書館中權力的規定;對政府責任的規定;保護反對意見的規定。作者試圖通過實例,探討用怎樣的法律規則才可能保障圖書館事業正常順利進行,並持續發展。Libraries in the U.S., especially public libraries are deeply rooted in local communities. What has made this strong relationship between libraries and their communities? The question can be answered in relation to different sources. In this article the author explores the role that plays in tying public libraries to their communities through 25 state laws. The article also examines how state laws ensure that citizens and their diverse voices can be equally heard in establishing and managing the local library. Finally the article outlines the local government, as defined by state law in the library affairs.美國州法律公共圖書館地方圖書館建立選民公民U.S. State LawPublic Library(公共圖書館)Local Library Establishment(地方圖書館建立)Voters(選民)Citizens (公民)美國州立圖書館法律中公共圖書館公民的角色和權益U.S. State Library Laws about the Citizen’s Role and Rights in Public Library Matters