符碧真王秀槐2019-08-122019-08-122008-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82044隨著社會大眾對學校績效表現的要求日益提高,學校校長的責任日漸加重,各國教育學者力圖找出最適合培育校長的模式,以期培育出能發揮領導效能的校長。本研究旨在探討美國與我國中學校長培育模式有何不同,並進一步探究社會文化脈絡如何衍生出兩種不同的培育模式。研究結果顯示,兩國校長在性別、年齡、學歷等基本資料,以及訓練過程、選拔過程上均有明顯不同。此可能源自於美國中學校長培育較傾向採取「專業模式」,而我國校長培育較傾向採取「經驗模式」所致。「專業模式」係指接受大學提供之專業訓練課程並通過專業認證之培育模式,「經驗模式」係指在中小學校現場經長期經驗累積、職級逐步升遷之培育模式。美國採取「專業模式」可能與西方社會強調「事」與重「理論」的文化脈絡有關,而我國採取「經驗模式」則可能與華人社會強調「人」與重「實務」的文化脈絡有關。School principals are now facing greater demands for better performance and effectiveness than ever before. Therefore, the training and preparation of school principals has become an issue of concern. Educators around the world need to find or develop effective leadership programs and learn from the best practices of other systems. This paper compares principal preparation in two countries of interest, the United States and Taiwan, with focus on the socio-cultural frameworks that shape their models of leadership training. The analysis shows marked difference in the demographics, training process, and selection patterns between American and Taiwanese principals, which result from two distinctly unique preparation models, that is, professional model of the US and experience model of Taiwan. The professional model, defined as university-based professional training programs and state-approved professional licensure for principals, is rooted in the Western context that focuses more on task and theory. On the other hand, the experience model, characterized by accumulating experiences at hierarchical administrative levels of the school, is embedded in the Confucian context that emphasizes more on people and practices.學校領導校長培育專業模式經驗模式臺灣美國School leadershipPrincipal preparationProfessional modelExperience modelTaiwanUnited statesLeadership Preparation in Taiwan and the US「專業模式」與「經驗模式」的校長培育--美國與我國中學校長培育模式的比較研究