國立臺灣師範大學地理學系白偉權陳國川 2015-09-032015-09-032011-06-011029-3159http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74367本文的目的在於探討馬來西亞市中心外圍以族群混居為特色的新聚落,其內部族群關係的意涵。1970年代後的馬來西亞,在產業變遷與都市化的影響下,市中心外圍的聚落景觀出現很大的變化。各族從原本依地緣分群而居的聚落,遷移至市鎮周圍新開發的住宅區-「花園」,「花園」成為了都市地區居民主要的居住形式。國家政策影響下,「花園」內混居了各族居民。是故,「花園」的出現,打破了原來族群空間分隔的居住傳統。本文從人-地以及人-人關係的角度出發,以新山都市外圍由華人、馬來人、印度人等族混合居住的新聚落-茉莉花花園為個案,探究在1987年至2007年之中,其內部族群間的空間分佈、住屋的租售關係以及所成立的社團組織,藉以勾勒出族群關係的發展。首先探究新山地區新聚落興起的地理背景,其次說明新型聚落的型態與居民組成,第三透過住屋單位的租賃情形以及社會組織的建立,釐清聚落內的族群互動關係,最後歸納新山地區新型住宅區族群關係的意涵。本研究發現,各族混居的花園即使提供了族群互動的平台,但各族之間還是大致維持了殖民時期以來,「族群內」優於「族群間」的關係特色。This paper aims to investigate the interrelations among different groups through analyzing the community called ”Taman” in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Since 1970s, influenced by the structure change of economy, internal migration were common, each ethnic group has moved from their origin settlements to ”Taman” (planned residence area). In the past, each ethnic group tended to congregate and lived together according to their dialect groups. However, there is a specific ethnic quota for the residents in ”Taman”. Henceforth, residents of different ethnicity or race would have to live together in a ”Taman”.In this paper, we will discuss the relations among Chinese, Malays, and Indians by a case study in Taman Melor in Johor Bahru, Malaysia from 1987 to 2007. To demonstrate this, this article first features the background of the rise of ”Taman”. It then investigates the settlement and resident patterns of such planned residence area. Thirdly, examines the flows of housing unit and social organization in the ”Taman” to show the interrelations among these ethnic groups. Finally, the article concludes the implications of ethnic relationship of ”Taman” in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.The article found that, although the community ”Taman” provided a favorable interaction platform for various ethnic, but the interrelations among different groups were confined to intra ethnic group. Therefore, the features of ethnic relationship during the colonial times have been continued.族群關係花園華人馬來人印度人Ethnic interrelationsTamanChineseMalaysIndians馬來西亞廉價花園聚落中的空間與族群關係Space and Ethnic Interrelations in Taman Residence Area--A Case Study of Taman Melor in Johor Bahru, Malaysia (1987~2007)�柔佛州新山縣茉莉花花園的個案研究(1987~2007)