施茂祥Mau-Hsiang Shih吳樹恆Shu-Han Wu2019-09-052005-7-142019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0000S40051%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/101449給定一個布林函數F由{0,1}^n送到{0,1}^n,我們可以得到F的迭代圖,更進一步的說,我們可以考慮F的影響矩陣B(F)以及F在x點的離散微分F'(x),離散微分F'(x)是一個布林矩陣可以對應到一個n個點的有向圖Γ(F'(x)),也就是說,我們可以藉由F的迭代圖與有向圖Γ(F'(x))來觀察F的行為,在這篇文章裡面我們將由網路觀點來研究布林函數F在 Von Neumann 域之動態行為。Give a Boolean mapping F from {0,1}^n to {0,1}^n, we get a iteration graph for F. Furthermore, we may consider the incidence matrix B(F) and the discrete derivative F'(x) of F at x in {0,1}^n. In fact, B(F)=sup_{x in {0,1}^n}{F'(x)}. The discrete derivative F'(x), which is a Boolean matrix, can correspond to a direct graph Γ(F'(x)) with n nodes. That is to say, we can estimate the function F from the iteration graph of F and the direct graph Gamma(F'(x)). In this paper, we search for the dynamics of the Boolean mapping F in von Neumann neighborhood from network structure.布林函數有向圖固定點迭代圖離散微分影響矩陣Boolean mappingDigraphFixed pointIteration graphDiscrete derivativeIncidence matrix由網路觀點看布林函數在 Von Neumann 域之動態行為Network perspective of the dynamics of Boolean mappings in Von Neumann neigjborhood