許樹淵Hsu, Shu-yuen陳建宏Chen, Chien-hung2019-09-052008-7-162019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692300395%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105559臺灣地區第四屆全國運動會男子110公尺高欄決賽欄間成績分析 2008年6月 研究生:陳建宏 指導教授:許樹淵 教授 摘要 目的:分析臺灣地區第四屆全國運動會男子110公尺高欄跨欄決賽前八名選手過欄時間、欄間時間與成績之關係及決賽前八名欄間變化之回歸預測方程式,並將所得結果提供選手與教練訓練時之參考,盼能增進國內110公尺高欄跨欄水準。方法:收集臺灣地區第四屆全國運動會田徑徑賽項目中,男子110公尺高欄跨欄決賽前八名選手成績,並用 SPSS 10.0 程式進行統計處理各過欄時間與欄間時間。結果:男子110公尺高欄跨欄決賽前八名過欄時間特徵如下:(一)總過欄時間平均數為4.03秒、標準差為0.08秒,總過欄時間與總成績相關顯著(r=.88**),全程的過欄時間當中,在第四、第五個欄達到最高速(0.40秒),跨越第五個欄之後的過欄時間依序呈直線遞增,速度變慢,其中以第六個欄的過欄時間與成績相關係數最大(r=.94**)。(二)總欄間三步跑時間平均數為6.46秒、標準差為0.08秒,總欄間三步跑時間與成績相關顯著(r=.93**),在1-2H、3-4H、4-5H、5-6H四個間段的欄間三步跑時間最短(0.71秒),速度最快,第五個欄之後的欄間時間依序呈直線遞增在7-8H欄間時間與成績相關係數最大(r=.91**)。結論:2005年台灣地區第四屆全國運動會,男子110公尺高欄跨欄決賽前八名選手,總過欄時間、總欄間三步跑時間兩者皆與成績相關顯著(r=.88**:r=.93**),其中又以總欄間三步跑的時間對成績較大。起跑出發到各間段時間皆與成績相關顯著,其中以起跑到第六、第七、第八、第九、第十個欄的間段時間與成績達高度相關,且相關係數依序呈現遞增,表示起跑到六個欄之後的間段時間將是決定成績好壞的重要關鍵;決賽前八名選手第五個欄之後的過欄時間與欄間三步跑時間是呈直線遞增,表示高速度的持續力不足,導致後段無法維持高速前進,而影響最後的成績。 謝 誌 本論文得以順利完成,首要感謝指導老師許樹淵教授的指導,這一路走來,不僅在論文題目方向的修正,對於研究內容細心修改與大力斧正;更在學術研究上提供許多寶貴的見解,使晚生受益良多;更感謝口試委員蔡特龍教授、蔡虔祿副教授於百忙當中撥冗詳閱,並於口試當中對內容的深入指正,使本論文更加完整,感謝之意溢於言表。 修業期間,感謝週遭同學及工作夥伴的關心及支持;尤其在我怠惰之餘,是你們不時的給予鼓勵與加油,使我能重振精神,努力完成論文寫作;還有系辦的玉珊學妹、忠誼學弟於上課期間給予文書處理上的支援;更感謝文和學弟在資料統計上給了我莫大的協助。 最後感謝深愛我的家人,尤其是我的內人美玲,當初如果沒有她的鼓勵,將考上研究所列為結婚的先決條件,就沒有今日的這篇論文,特別感謝她在我修業期間對家庭的照顧及付出,讓我能無後顧之憂專心寫作;還有品伃、宥榛兩個小女兒天真可愛笑容,帶給我寫作的動力,讓我更加努力完成學業;感謝曾經幫助過我的人,因為有您們,讓我的研究所生活如此的精采。 陳建宏 於師範大學體育學系 中華民國九十七年六月二十三日The Analysis Of The Records For The Men’s 110-meter hurdles In The Fourth National Athletics Game 2008/06 Chen, Chien-hung Advisor:Hsu, Shu-yuen Ed. D. Abstract State of Purpose: This study serves to provide a reference for the training in 110 meters hurdles in Taiwan by analyzing the results of the top eight runners in the final of men’s 110 meters hurdles in the Fourth National Athletics Game, which includes the hurdle time, time between hurdles, and the final results. The analysis not only tries to figure out the correlations of these three variables but also to conclude the regression forecast formula of the runners’ variation time between hurdles. Method: The results of the top eight runners in the final of men’s 110 meters high hurdles in the Fourth National Athletics Game are collected, and their individual records including hurdle time, time between hurdles are processed with the SPSS 10.0 Program. Results: The characteristics of the top eight runners in the final of men’s 110 meters high hurdles are listed below. 1. The average time crossing hurdles was 4.03 seconds with a standard deviation of 0.08 seconds, which showed a strong correlation (r=.88**) with the final record. Among the ten hurdles, the least hurdle time lied at the forth and fifth hurdles (0.40 sec.), and afterwards the hurdle time showed a linear increase, which also meant the speed slowed down. The 6th hurdle had the most correlation(r=0.94**). 2. The average time of three-step run was 6.46 seconds with a standard deviation of 0.08 seconds, which showed a strong correlation (r=.93**) with the final record. The time of three-step run was the least in these four sections: 1-2H, 3-4H, 4-5H, 5-6H (0.71 sec.), which also meant the speed was the fastest. The 7-8H had the most correlation (r=0.91**), and the time between hurdles showed a linear increase after the fifth hurdle. Conclusion: Both the amount of hurdle time and the amount time of three-step run showed strong correlations with the final records, and the latter had more impact on the final record. Secondly, the time from the start to each hurdle had strong correlations with the final record, and reached highly relevant correlations to the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th hurdles. The correlation coefficients showed a gradual increase, from which we could conclude that the time from the start to each hurdle after 6th hurdles would decide the final record. The speed reached the highest at the fifth hurdle, and after that, both the hurdle time and the time of three-step run showed a linear increase, which meant that runners couldn’t maintain the highest speed after the 5th hurdle; instead, they slowed down and therefore degraded the final results. Keywords: The National Athletics Game, 110-meter high hurdles, hurdle time, time between hurdles, analysis of records.全國運動會110公尺高欄過欄時間成績分析欄間時間臺灣地區第四屆全國運動會男子110公尺高欄決賽欄間成績分析