林振春張雅嵐2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695020087%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92427中 文 摘 要 本研究旨在探討成人學習者經由學習後正向情緒轉化之歷程,以及影響正向情緒轉化之因素。在此研究目的下,衍生出下列三個研究問題:(一)成人學習者其正向情緒轉化之歷程為何?(二)影響成人學習者正向情緒轉化的因素為何? (三)參與學習後於情緒上產生哪些改變? 為達上述的研究目的與問題,研究者採深度訪談的方式來蒐集所需資料,透過三位於社區大學參與學習的成人學習者之描述,瞭解其正向情緒轉化的歷程及影響轉化的因素。 其中,在討論成人學習者正向情緒轉化學習的歷程中得出: (一)固有的意義結構、思考模式深受幼年的經驗所影響 (二)生活中的問題情境是促發學習的開始 (三)學習是使得正向情緒轉化的開端 而於歷程中亦發現影響成人學習者正向情緒轉化的因素如下: (一)學習所帶來的意義感與自我實現之滿足是提升正向情緒之要素 (二)學習情境內的講師及學習氛圍是影響情緒的要素 (三)正向組織內良好的人際互動是感染正向情緒的因素 最後,基於上述之研究結果,也針對成人學習者、終身教育機構以及未來相關研究等方面提出建議。The purpose of this study was to explore the process that adult learners’ positive emotion transformed after learning, and the factors that affect the transformation of positive emotion. In order to analyze the research, there are three questions below: First, what is the adult learners’ transformative process of positive emotion? Second, what are the factors that affect their transformation of positive emotion? Third, what are the changes of emotion after learning? In order to achieve the research purposes and questions above, the researcher collected the relevant information through the in-depth interview. And understand the changing process of positive emotion, and the factors which affect the transformation through interviewed three adult learners who studied in community college. Among the description above, researcher discovered three ideas from the discussion of the process of adult learners’ positive emotion transformation: 1. The adult learners’ previous meaning structures and thinking style were deeply affected by their experience of childhood. 2. The problematic situations in their lives initiate the learning. 3. Learning is the beginning that transformed adult learners’ positive emotion. What are the influential factors that transformed to positive emotion: 1. The significance and self-actualization can promote positive emotion. 2. A good lecturer and good atmosphere. 3. Social interaction. In conclusion, based on the research above, there are also suggestions for adult learners, life-long education’s organization, and further relevant researches.正向情緒成人學習者情緒轉化positive emotionadult learnertransformation of emotion成人學習者正向情緒轉化學習之研究