程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu王瑞蓮Wang, Ruei-Lian2019-09-052020-07-302019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060130016A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104944優秀運動員能征服競技金字塔頂端 也能恣意在學術的殿堂翱翔,妥善抉擇一條專屬自己的康莊大道。研究目的旨在探討影響優秀運動員運動訓練與學業表現的因素,瞭解影響優秀運動員於運動訓練與學業表現過程中抉擇的相關因素。研究對象為四名曾代表國家參世界性賽會或入選培訓隊之選手,且正在就讀或已具備碩博士學歷之優秀運動員。研究方法採質性取向的敘事研究,用半結構式訪談了解其運動訓練與學業表現情形,並以持續比較法將訪談逐字稿進行分類、編碼及詮釋。本研究可信賴度(trustworthiness)以參與者檢核(member check)、三角檢定法(triangulation)與同儕審視(peer reviewing or debriefing)作為檢核。研究結果:(一) 運動訓練方面:訓練環境適應的問題;害怕受傷;情緒困擾問題;課業壓力;(二) 學業表現方面:體育班學習情況不佳;隨著年級增長課業愈不受重視;教練會阻礙課業學習。(三)優秀運動員自我評估方面,擇其所愛愛其所擇。Elite athletes can conquer the sports pyramid as well as be successful academically; carving their own path in life. The aim of this study is to investigate which factors would affect the elite athletes’ academic and sport performances, and we wish to find out how they reach/make their decisions during the process of their training and education. All four subject of this study have represented their country in international tournaments; they are completing or have completed their Masters and PhD degrees while being an elite athlete. The research method includes narrative research from qualitative orientate using seim-structurd interviews. In order to understand their performance capabilities. Interview transcripts were sorted, coded and interpreted under constant comparison. The trustworthiness of this research was inspected by member check, triangulation, peer reviewing or debriefing. The results were: (1) Training aspect; training adaptation issues: injury fear; emotional problems; academic stress. (2) Academic performance: poor academic accomplishment in physical education; less attention is paid to athletes’ performance as they get others; coaches would interfere study. (3) Self-assessment from elite athletes; they make decisions based on what they love.優秀運動員訓練與學業生涯規劃角色衝突質性研究敘事研究Elite AthleteTraining and Academic Performancecareer planningrole conflictqualitative studynarrative research淬鍊與悅讀─優秀運動員的訓練與學業Training and Delighted Learning: Elite Athlete in Athletic Training and Academic Performance