國立臺灣師範大學政治學研究所范世平2014-12-022014-12-022009-01-011021-3619http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37311中國從90年代出境旅遊快速發展,2007年旅遊花費居全球第五達到298億美金,對其他國家之經濟與就業幫助甚大,故成為對外關係上的重要籌碼,形成所謂「旅遊外交」或「旅遊統戰」。這種「以經促政」模式,除了符合近年來中國的「大國外交」與「和平崛起」思維外,對於中國增進與他國之間的伙伴關係、拉攏東協歐盟、強化睦鄰友好、塑造大國形象與維持第三世界領導權上均效果明顯。然而,旅遊外交雖以旅遊為訴求,但國家旅遊局所扮演角色卻有限,真正決策者仍屬外交部門。Since the 1990s, China’s outbound tourism has been increasing rapidly. By 2007, tourism expenditure of China’s population became the fifth in the world amounting to US$2.98 billion, contributing significantly to the economies and employment of other countries. Hence, tourism has become an important instrument in China’s foreign policy in the context of the so-called “tourism diplomacy” or “tourism united front”. This kind of “promoting political objectives through economics means” model conforms to the “major power diplomacy” and “peaceful rise” thinking of the Chinese leadership. It also improves China’s partnerships with other countries, helps China to approach ASEAN and the European Union, strengthens its friendly relations with neighbours, establishes its major-power image and maintains its leadership in the Third World. Although this tourism diplomacy is based on the needs of the tourism industry, the role played by the national tourism administration is undeniably limited. The foreign policy establishment is the real decision-maker.外交政策兩岸關係政治經濟學旅遊外交統一戰線Cross-strait relationsForeign policyPolitical economyTourism diplomacyUnited front中國大陸出境旅遊政治效果之研究A Study of the Political Effects of Outbound Tourism in China