葉德明江素華2019-08-282015-8-262019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694240109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86408本論文希望能透過抽樣調查,得知目前台灣年輕人的國語語音特色,並與傳統印象中的台灣國語(光復後才開始學國語的台灣人所說的國語)做出比較與整理。期能歸納出台灣國語的語音特色,讓在台灣的華語學習者能更快速地調適標準語音和台灣國語語音的不同。 本研究將抽樣一組三十位台灣青少年的國語語音資料及對台灣國語的語言態度,與另一組三十位五十歲以上台灣年長者的國語語音資料,以及對台灣國語的語言態度。並整理歸納學者相關理論與文獻,從標準語音、河洛語、客家語三種語系的語音系統來分析台灣國語語音的成因與特色。進而歸納目前台灣語音現象、闡述台灣的語言政策和社會大眾對語言標準之期望與觀感,並針對台灣國語語音特色做出對外華語語音的教學建議。The purpose of this study is to compare the phonetic features of the Mandarin spoken by the young people of today and that of previous generations who had learnt Mandarin after Taiwan Restoration in order to disclose the current phonetic features of Mandarin in Taiwan so that the second language learners of Mandarin can adopt the accent of Taiwan Mandarin more easily. This study aims to collect the phonetic data and personal opinions of two groups regarding Mandarin. One group consists of 30 Taiwanese young people, while the other consists of 30 participants over the age of 50. From this data and by utilizing related theories and research material, the causes and features of Taiwanese Mandarin in relation to standard phonetics, Southern Min and Hakka will be analyzed. Furthermore, this study aims to disclose the current phonetic features of Mandarin in Taiwan, to explicate the language policy of Taiwan, as well as the attitudes and expectations of Taiwanese society toward the standard language, and to present some suggestions regarding Taiwanese Mandarin in relation to teaching Chinese for foreign learners.台灣國語語音教學語言政策Taiwan Mandarinphonetics teachinglanguage policy台灣國語的語音特色發展與教學current phonetic features of Taiwan Mandarin and the teaching of Mandarin pronunciation