陳錦龍Jun-Lon Chen毛家驊Chia-Hua Mao2019-09-052006-7-212019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093132030%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107451當企業品牌為追求銷售量增加時,進行促銷活動,是否就會達到所預期的目標,需考慮企業長期經營下在消費者心中所建立的品牌權益,和所採取的促銷活動及類別而定。因此,本研究將就adidas近期所做的一些不同以往的促銷手法,利用運動行銷的角度切入消費者市場,藉著舉辦兒童的籃球運動教室,希冀吸引消費者(家長)以增加消費慾望,本研究除了探討促銷活動對消費者購買行為的影響之外,更希望進一步瞭解,在不同的促銷活動類別與情境因素下,對消費者購買意願是否會有不同的影響。本研究採用問卷調查方式進行實證資料的蒐集,希望在創新的促銷活動策略下,瞭解品牌權益與消費者的品牌權益、購買意願、以及認知價值是否有顯著的相關性,並利用迴歸分析和變異數分析等資料處理方法,進行資料檢定與分析。研究結果發現,如下所示: (一) 活動參加者對於活動主辦品牌有相當高的辨識度,約有93%,且受訪樣本以女性居多,約69.1%;年齡方面以40~49歲最多,約60.9%;教育程度以大學學歷者最多,約27.5%;而子女數方面也以兩個居多,約58.9%;在職業方面以工商業最多,約29.3%;家庭收入方面,100,000元以上最多,約36.5%。 (二) 受試者對於品牌舉辦運動促銷活動的四個主要效益構面,均有相當高的認同度,尤其在「品牌權益」構面上,受訪者對於adidas舉辦運動促銷的方案,均表示高度的支持且持有正面的形象,且認知價值,普遍高於金錢與實質贈品折扣的認知,並表達高度的再購意願。 (三) 本研究問卷量表之「品牌權益」構面上,對「促銷活動」、「購買意願」及「知覺價值」等,均呈現正相關的數據,換言之,受訪者對於品牌權益越高時,對於促銷活動的接受程度也相對提高,對品牌的興趣越高,其購買意願與認知價值亦越高。 (四) 研究顯示adidas的兒童籃球教室,屬於創新的促銷方式,消費者的接受度頗高,對於adidas的品牌權益也有提高的現象,顯示運動促銷方案確實有效提高消費者的購買意願與提升品牌權益。 經研究結果發現,研究者發現adidas的兒童運動教室,確實可以引起 消費者的關注和參與,但仍有一些地方可以再做加強,研究者建議如下: (一) 可將消費者的背景資料考慮進去,如年齡、性別、收入等,適時的調整促銷的策略,提高消費者的消費意願與購買行為。 (二) 企業品牌在使用促銷活動時應可使用的更加多元化,不需因為擔心促銷活動會對品牌權益造成傷害。 (三) 企業品牌要利用品牌權益創造出顧客的需求,並設計符合組織經營方向與目標群眾的促銷活動,進而維護顧客忠誠度。 (四) 進行促銷活動的時候,除了考量公司品牌權益外,也該對於促銷活動的類型進行篩選,因為是活動形式的優劣,將影響消費者的再購意願,也會影響後續促銷策略的推廣與執行。A Study of Influence On Brand Equity and Sport Promotion by Sport Brand---A Case of adidas Child Basketball Class Abstract When industries held promotions to increase the sale roots and expect goal, it depended on the brand equity of customers and the kind of promotion they adopted. Therefore, the research analyzed the promotion held by A brand with sports marketing strategy. With the children basketball class, A brand wants to increase consumption out of parents .The research is not only analyze the consumer behavior but also figure out in that the different promotion ways may influence the will of consumers. According to the collected literature data, the research take the brand equity of A brand as test item and takes the children basketball class and give-away as promotion tools. The research uses the questionnaire as data collecting, after data analyzing with regression and one way anova etc. The results show as following: (1) All participators had high brand identification to 93%, and most of them were females about 60.1%; about 60.9% at 40~49 age ; about 27.5% university education; about 58.9% own two children; about 29.3% work in industry and business; about 36.5% get over 100,000 salaries. (2) The attendant holds four main benefit factors of the exercise promotion activity to the brand, all having a rather high approbation, particularly on" the brand rights" factor, the interviewee holds exercise promotion to the adidas of project, all indicate the high support and the perceived value that holds to have widespread and high in the cognition of the money and the substance donation discount, and express height of again buy will. (3) The questionnaire quantity form presents a related data, after the correlation between " promote sales activity", "purchase will" and " consciousness value" on this" the brand rights" factor, in other words, when the brand rights for interviewee is more high, for promote sales the activity accepts degree an opposite exaltation also, is more high to the interest of the brand, it purchases the will and cognition to be worth also more high. (4) The research shows an adidas child basketball class, belonging to a creative promotion method, highly popular among the consumer , also have elevated phenomenon to the adidas brand rights, show exercise promotion a project to raise consumer to purchase will and promote the brand rights really effectively. Through research, the result finds the adidas child basketball classroom, really can make the people whose participation of the consumer, but still have some points to do enhance, there are some suggestion as following: (1) The brand should take consideration of the background data consideration of the consumer, as the age, sex, income...etc., the well-timed adjustment promote sales of strategy may raise consumer of consumption with purchase behavior. (2) The enterprise brand while using to promote sales an activity should be able to use of more diversified, don't need because of worry the promotion activity will cause injury to the brand rights. (3) The enterprise brand wants to make use of the need that the brand rights creates customer, and design a promotion activity of matching the organization management direction and target crowd, then safeguarding a customer loyalty. (4) To put great emphasis on the activity quality to control, because it is the most important part of the activity quality, which will not only influence the will of consumer but also influence the expansion and the performance with the follow-up promotion strategies.品牌權益促銷活動消費者行為Brand EquityPromotionConsumer Behavior運動品牌舉辦運動促銷方案對品牌權益影響之研究---以adidas兒童籃球教室為例A Study of Influence On Brand Equity and Sport Promotion by Sport Brand---A Case of adidas Child Basketball Class