朱友意Chu, Yu-Yi龐芬玲Pang, Fen-Ling2022-06-072021-02-022022-06-072021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/94a6f024ba6e4408fe38a05ceb8a92fe/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116343本研究主要探討筆者在教學生涯中所記錄的學生樣貌及自身對教育界現況的感受與反思,並以兒童肖像作為創作題材,用批判的態度篩選題材內容,進行系列創作。 本文共分四章。第一章緒論,說明從與兒童互動中觀察到教育虛偽的內涵,釐清創作動機與內容。第二章自學理方面進行耙梳,從社會關懷出發,以兒童人權、兒童肖像、現代肖像、社會批判及色彩等相關議題做進一步深究。第三章由內容、形式及技法,詳細說明在「頭頭是道面面觀」系列繪畫創作實驗中,刻意簡化色彩,運用照相寫實手法,並藉由時尚界流行的糖果色系,以糖衣」的意象來諷刺表裡不一的毒藥。第四章為創作的實踐歷程及作品的深度剖析,讓每一幅肖像說自己的故事。 末尾的結論,筆者力圖經由兒童肖像系列繪畫及社會批判方式的論文研究來佐證自己的創作語彙,並期待真正的真、真正的善、真正的美有回歸教育界的一天。This research mainly discusses the students' appearance recorded by the author during the teaching career and her own feelings and reflections on the current situation in the education field. The child portraits are used as the subject of creation, and the subject matter content is selected with a critical attitude to create a series of creations. This essay is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, explaining the connotation of educational hypocrisy observed from the interaction with children, and clarifyingthe creative motivation and content. The second chapter analyzes the paintings from theories. Starting from social care, the author further studies other related issues such as the rights of child, child portraits, modern portraits, social criticism and colors. The third chapter elaborates on the content, form, and technique of painting in the series of"Speak in Their Own Words." By deliberately simplifying the colors, by photorealism, and candy color system which from the popular fashion industry, to satirize with the image of sugar coating, to cover the poisons. The fourth chapter is the practical process of creation and the in-depth analysis of the works. Each work has something to say. At the end of the conclusion, the author tried to prove his creative vocabulary through the series of children's portrait paintings and social criticism methods, and hoped that the true truth, true goodness, and true beauty would return to the education world.兒童肖像社會批判照相寫實糖果色child portraitsocial criticismphotorealismcandy color頭頭是道—龐芬玲繪畫創作研究Speak in their own words—The Researching Painting by Pang, Fen-Ling