王如哲周畯豊2019-08-282014-1-222019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095003218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89759本研究旨在調查全國大專校院軍訓教官工作壓力源及因應方式之現況,了解不同背景變項的大專校院軍訓教官其工作壓力源與因應方式之現況與差異情形,並探討、比較之間的關係,以及分析其預測力,最後提出建議提供主管教育行政單位、學校和軍訓人員之參考運用。 本研究以大專校院軍訓教官為研究對象,採問卷調查法,採用「大專校院軍訓教官工作壓力源及因應方式之調查量表」為研究工具進行抽樣調查,共針對北 、中、南、東共計177所大專校院完成300份有效問卷,實施敘述統計分析、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、t檢定、雪費法(Scheffe’s)及多元迴歸分析等統計 方法,進行資料分析並獲得以下主要結論: 壹、 大專校院之軍訓教官最主要的工作壓力源為「工作自主性」。 貮、 大專校院之軍訓教官最主要的工作壓力因應方式為「理性思考與面對」。 參、 大專校院之軍訓教官在性別、階級與目前職務下,其工作特性與工作自主性皆無顯著的差異性。 肆、 大專校院之軍訓教官之男性教官相較於女性教官普遍對於工作壓力源與因應方式有較高的認同度;上校軍官相較於中校教官普遍對於工作壓力源與因應方式有較高的認同度;組長相較於一般教官普遍對於工作壓力源與因應方式有較高的認同度;博士(戰院)教官普遍對於工作壓力源與因應方式有較高的認同度。 伍、 工作特性、工作環境與社會支持度等工作壓力源,對因應方式均具有預測與解釋能力This study aims to research into the present state of college military instructors’ sources of job stress and the solutions for coping with those sources, understand the present state and the diverse conditions of the sources of job stress and the solutions of the military instructors with different background variables, explore and compare the relations between the two categories in question, and analyze the predictability. Finally, this study provides the administrators of educational administration, school management and military instruction with the suggestions as their references for making managerial decisions. This study took military instructors in colleges as the objects of study, and questionnaire survey was applied. “The Survey Scale of College Military Instructors’ Sources of Job Stress and the Solutions” was adopted as the research tool to carry out the sampling. Three hundred effective questionnaires from 177 colleges and universities all over in Taiwan were finished. This study applied the analysis of descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test, Scheffe’s method of multiple comparisons, and multiple regression analysis to analyze the data and thus acquired the conclusion as follows: 1. The main source of college military instructors’ job stress is “professional autonomy.” 2. The main solution to the main source of college military instructors’ job stress is “thinking over and facing the stress rationally.” 3. By gender, rank, and present office, college military instructors have no apparent difference regarding their professional characteristics and professional autonomy. 4. Male college military instructors have higher identification with sources of job stress and the solutions when compared with female ones. Colonels have higher identification with sources of job stress and the solutions when compared with lieutenant colonels. Directors have higher identification with sources of job stress and the solutions when compared with subordinate military instructors. Military instructors with doctorates (in War College) have higher identification with sources of job stress and the solutions. 5. The sources of stress, such as the characteristics of the job, job environment, and the degree of social support, are capable of predicting and explaining the solutions to any kind of job stress.軍訓教官工作壓力源因應方式military instructorsources of job stresssolutions大專校院軍訓教官的工作壓力源及因應方式之研究A Study on College Military Instructors’ Sources of Job Stress and the Solutions