徐昊杲莫懷恩陳怡琇2019-09-042018-7-132019-09-042013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060070022H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98898本研究主要在探討高職綜合職能科學生於便利商店實習之職業能力內涵。以101學年度就讀於高職綜合職能科學生為研究對象,採用半結構式訪談、觀察的質性方法進行研究,並以「高職綜合職能科學生便利商店店員職業能力之評定量表」為檢核評量的研究工具,透過眾數、全距等描述統計方法做分析討論,並分析教師、雇主與學生對高職綜合職能科學生具備便利商店店員的職業能力程度之差異情形。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、高職綜合職能科學生需具備知識、技能、態度與個人特質四個向度的便利商店 店員職業能力 二、高職綜合職能科學生需具備知識向度的中、低認知層次專業知能與計算能力的 便利商店店員職業能力 三、高職綜合職能科學生需具備技能向度的便利商店店員職業能力,但其中變化較 多的服務項目與需臨場反應的處理能力除外 四、高職綜合職能科學生需具備態度、個人特質兩向度的便利商店店員職業能力, 並以態度與個人特質為其優勢 五、教師、雇主與學生不同角色間,對高職綜合職能科學生具備便利商店店員職業 能力的程度無明顯差異The study probed into the competency of students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools who practiced in the convenience stores. This study used the survey data of students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools in 101 academic years to conduct an investigation with the semi-structured interviews and observation. Besides, the rating scale was used in the survey. The descriptive statistics such as Mode and Range were used to analyze the data. According to above data, the differences of competency degrees about the opinions of the teachers, employers and students towards the students who possessed the competency of clerks were analyzed. The conclusions were as follows: 1.Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools must have four competency dimensions of the clerks in the convenience stores-knowledge, skill, attitude and personal trait. 2.Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools needed to have the low or middle cognitive level in professional knowledge and the counculation ability of the knowledge dimension. 3.Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools should have the skill dimension, but the changeable service projects and the handling ability of spontaneous response were excluded. 4.For Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools, the superiority of the clerks’ competency in the convenience stores existed in attitude and personal trait. 5.There were less significant differences during competency degrees about the opinions of the teachers, employers and students towards the students who possessed the competency of clerks.高職綜合職能科學生職業能力便利商店Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schoolscompetencyconvenience store高職綜合職能科學生職業能力之研究-以便利商店職場為例A Study on Competency of the Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools:An Example of Convenience Store