黃俊儒楊文金2014-10-272014-10-271997-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/7887「觀點」是一個在日常生活中時常被使用的概念,在知識社會學的領域中對於觀點的形成與獲致均有非常深刻的探討。近代哲學的思潮丕變,對於知識本質的看法各家迥異,彼此難以對話而慢慢走向後現代的脫序與紛亂。觀點論強調「知識總是來自於某一個立場」,要瞭解一個思想就不能不瞭解其據以立論的思考脈絡,如此才能使觀點在更高的層次上獲致秩序,進而化解「各說各話」的窘境,使對話成為可能。本文希望透過對於觀點論的瞭解來探討其在心理學、科學哲學及科學研究上的意涵,以另一個角度來剖析過去在這些領域上所廣為探討的問題。再者,科學教育一直致力於縮短人文與科學之間的鴻溝,在實際的推動上也不時遭遇許多亟待克服的困難,故最後本文以觀點論的角度來解析過去科學教育中學生學習常會遇到難題及單一舞臺、單一標準的不適當,並希望藉著觀點拓展概念的引進能對於科學教育有所裨益。“Perspective” or “point of view” is used frequently in ordinary language, and this is also a key concept in sociology of knowledge. It is interesting that the contemporary conceptions of the nature of knowledge appeared to be disordered and chaotic, and this makes mutual understanding become difficult. Perspectivism, a sociological conception of knowledge, emphasizes that “knowledge always comes from a position”, that is, to know a theory, we must understand what context comes with it first. In order to make communication between different disciplines possible, it is necessary to expand the perspectives to a higher order category. The present article explicates some arguments of perspectivism as well as its implications of psychology, philosophy of science and scientific research. Furthermore, since the two cultures phenomenon is one of the most important issue of science education. In the light of perspectivism, it is possible to reduce the tension between the two cultures.觀點論知識社會學觀點拓展PerspectivismSociology of knowledgePerspective expansion觀點論對於科學教育的意涵The Implication of Perspectivism in Science Education